Originally posted by NFL_FAN
While the ACLU has done some great things toward civil liberties, they also have been backing questionable causes. Lets look at a what the ACLU lets us now do:
We can burn our American Flag that so many Americans have died for.
We can place large banners in our front yards threatening and abusing any religion, sexual orientation, race that we feel needs to be put down.
We can march a group of Nazi's through a neighborhood of haulocaust survivors.
We can march a group of KKK members through a predominately black town in Alabama.
Cults mascarading as religions can sacrifice live animals at their ceremonies.
We can own assault rifles whose only purpose is to kill people.
We can, in the privacy of our own homes watch all the porn you can handle. And isn't it great that porn has become so mainstream, young girls, maybe like your daughter, are headed to Hollywood to make it big as a porn star, wouldn't you be proud!
We will eventually lose religion of any sort in any government facility which will require quite a few taxpayers dollars as the bible is quoted in just about every government building and monument in America. This country was founded on religious freedom, the freedom to worship God, the creator of heaven and earth, as one saw fit. They did not foresee the huge changes that would take place in this country regarding morals, religion, ethics, promiscuity, hatred, so many looking the other way rather than speaking their minds. Jefferson would never have agreed to most of the amendments that have been added in the 20th century.
I think if George, Thomas, Benjamin and the others were to visit us today and see all the wonderful improvements to life that have been made thanks to those who manipulate the constitution for personal gain they would be appauled.
One nation, under God, indivisible with liberty and justice for all.
Land of the free, home of the brave. Not anymore, I am afraid.
Land of the coward behind a computer screen, home of those who won't find the time to stand up for what they believe in thinking someone else will do so. I am as guilty as anyone.
Allrighty then.......society is what society is and I can only teach my children what I feel is right and true. Don't judge anyone by appearance, never hate your fellow man, help those who are in need, work hard and lead an honest life, respect yourself and others, respect all life, stand up for what you believe in and most important..take care of your Dad when he gets old
Anyway, we all have different opinions and will never see eye to eye and that is what makes this such a great country, that we are all allowed to speak our minds without fear of being exiled.
Peace to all!!
That was a great post.
The only place I don't agree is being against the support of freedom of choice.
Yes, I HATE racism, flag burning, KKK and all those terrible hate filled stuff.
BUT that is what freedom is. Those people are NOT infringing on others rights so they have the right to say and believe in what they want. The minute they infringe on somebodies rights THEN there is cause for justice.
And don't give me this "WELL I DON'T WANT THAT STUFF IN MY TOW" BS. You dont like it then move, then change the station, change the challenge, don't smoke the pot, don't drink the drink.
You don't want you kids or the people you love doing something than TALK TO THEM, TEACH THEM, PUT THE TIME IN TO RAISE AND EDUCATE THE ONES YOU LOVE.
Instead of this blame everyone else but yourself Bullpoop. I am not one to look the other way. I speak my mind, and thus labeled a "disturber of the peace", or an atheist heathen. Standing up for your beliefs is great and all untill your thrown in jail and labeled a felon.
As for the system......I think it is OK in theory. The problem is that the people have lost their voice. How can a poor guy who needs to work EVERYDAY take out 4 hours from 9-5 to go vote. Election day SHOULD BE a non-work holiday to give people the whole day to go vote. Politics, AND LAW should be taught in school to educate the people on what is going on.
Now for the big one. FELONIES. A felon can NOT vote ever! So you get arrest, tried, and sentence when you are nice and young and don't know any better. You say to yourself. This is f'd up. But what can you do. Your voice is taken away since you can't vote and now you can't do anything. And since nobopdy cares until it happens to them. It insures that things will NEVER CHANGE.
And politicians and company big wigs will NEVER let it change. We can't legalize drugs! It makes to much money! People get caught doing non-violent things. Labeled felons cause of manditory minimum sentencing (which also has the courts backed up since plea bargins went from 95% before manditory min. sentencing to about 2% where it stands today). Then the felons can't find a job because it is hard enough to get one in the first place. Plus companies now OWN privately owned prisions where they use the prisoners like slaves which cuts down on more jobs. Forcing the people to commit more crimes, and turning more of them into slaves, and taking more jobs away from people. Thus creating more crime, and more felons. This will go on until felons can vote or until felon out number the general population and civil war breaks out.
But hey politicians are rich, and so are company owners so what do they care?
And we can't do anything about it cause WE CAN'T VOTE! It is a shame too cause who would no better about how f'd up the legal system is than people who have to deal with it.
BUT to agree this country is great. Not for its leaders, cause they are idiots. The US citizen. Joe Schmoe. The American people in a whole are what make this country great. Unfortunately we have become slave to the system. As said before we have great ideas, and visions of peace and harmony. But as I said who wants to speak their mind, or stand by their beliefs if they are going to get arrested for it ?
And NFL_FAN said it right. It starts by people/parents TALKING and TEACHING the ones they love to do what you think is right.
Cause if you let some yahoo religious freak, some crack head, or even worse the TV talk to them, raise them, or teach themthen who knows what will happen ? They could end up fighting against the infidels or sitting on the corner smoking their life away or so worried about "looking pretty", "getting material goods", and following the TV propaganda that they become a walking dollar bill.
I would like to get off my soapbox now while saying please change laws to let felons vote, maybe after a period of time after the conviction.
And now I would like to end this by saying.......I think McCown my be a good enough QB that would could do something else with our #3 pick
BTW - Great Thread!