Upstairs is much better than downstairs if you have to choose.
even if the xboxes are downstairs?
Upstairs is much better than downstairs if you have to choose.
even if the xboxes are downstairs?
Then put some damn shorts on, man!...then have to listen to my wife tell me about my ugly equipment in the living room.
Then put some damn shorts on, man!
I tweeted Psyonix seeing if they can add live streaming of ballcams for this thread. I'll let you know.
New crates... cool
I have one of the new cars and some rims, thats about it so far. I typically avoid trade sessions. I did find lately that if you go into looking for group on RL, it is almost all trade requests so I am sure sometime I will go in and say I want cars, rocket trails or digital skins and then offer up my crates.Me either and I never will. I have managed to get 2 mystery decals out of everything too.
I know someone that would totally get that if it weren't $8 (prolly plus shipping, too).ugh...they are like KISS....and I buy the stuff...
They have a cool shirt in the store too but they dont sell tall sizes or I would have bought it.
I know someone that would totally get that if it weren't $8 (prolly plus shipping, too).
patch notes and new cool stuff dropping today for anniversary update:
you do have to win 12 games against a division before earning the award for reaching that level.They aren't resetting our divisions, so I don't think I will be playing it much. I will be sure to get back to Platinum as I am like Gold 3 Division 3 or 4 and then only play when my friends get on.
you do have to win 12 games against a division before earning the award for reaching that level.
they say that resetting creates a major competitive disadvantage so this offsets that.
Its still my go to with limited time to play game.
im always stuck in gold just because I often join games by myself and hope for good other players. I could invite friends but if im only playing one or two games I dont bother.