Originally posted by FischerKing
Houdini - while that would be the move of the Century, you can't be serious. You know that the Bidwills would have to give up entirely too much control for their liking to hire him. However, even if they were willing to concede and let Ron run the organization - do you realistically think he would even consider coming here?
I think it's a nice sentiment and if it were to happen it would be brilliant, but I don't see it.
I don't see it happening either, but if I was the Bidwills I'd make the attempt. The reason I don't see it happening though is because I don't think the Bidwills would be willing to give Ron the 100% control that he'd want, or a small piece of ownership in the team that he might want and couldn't get in Green Bay because it's publicly owned. Ron would never take the job if he doesn't get 100% control.
If the Bidwills did offer him all that though, I think there might be a chance he'd come out of retirement. He was willing to listen to the Falcons last year when Atlanta was considering Wolf.
Even if Wolf no longer wanted to do all the scouting and film watching on players like he did when he was in Green Bay, if he just came in to hire his own staff of football people and reorganize the Cardinals front office, I think the Cardinals would turn around because Wolf tries to surround himself with the best staff of people he can find.
Wolf isn't perfect either and will make mistakes too, but the good thing about Wolf is that when he makes a mistake, he admits it and tries to correct it. He won't compound the mistake by ignoring it or keeping a player or coach he was wrong on. He said he was wrong to hire Ray Rhodes, and fired him after 1 year when the Packers fell to 8-8, even though Rhodes had several years left on his contract. He didn't compound the mistake by keeping Rhodes around a few more years when Wolf knew Rhodes wasn't panning out. He did the same with a few draft choices that weren't panning out.
I was just surpised tonight to hear Terry Bradshaw say on a TV interview that the Bidwills should hire Wolf. It must have been planned ahead of time, because they showed a bunch of TV footage of Wolf as Bradshaw was talking.