This stupid Agent is going to get himself, and his clients blacklisted from the NFL.
His expectation of what salary players should get is un-reasonable, and un-logical. Guys like this jerk are trying to ruin the game for everyone, just to make even more money than the millions this slimball already has.
I say screw him, and his clients........even Quan if he holds out. Cause this is B.S.
Rueben Droughens deserves dittly squat. He is not a feature back, and will not be productive outside of the Broncos system.
Yeah, I know most of you are saying "If the players this jerk is representing don't play it will bad for the individual teams, and the league" My response is ask Ricky Williams how the league, and his team did with out him. The team suffered but the league (and his team) are forging ahead. Soon, if he does no return, Williams will be forgotten and new players will take his place.
So a FU to TO cause the Eagles will do fine with McNabb and Westbrook.
the same to Droughens because the Browns will do fine without him..maybe better, and as for can care about the money and lose the fame, and ability to be known as "The MAN" in Arizona, or you can come to your senses and take your place at the head of this team. Arizona will give Quan his money, but hiring a devil incarnate to respresent you, and threatening to hold out is not the way to do business. Plus we will be fine without him anyway. Our offensive line is not improved enough yet to give Warner the needed time to be effective, and not matter who we draft we will not have a big time back in our backfield. Next year is all about the defense. And we don't need a WR for that.
Peace and F Rosenhaus