The Mavericks relied heavily on their 3 headed PG (Terry, Kidd, JJ), they also used the prototypical stretch 4, the Heat played long stretches with a Bosh/LeBron front court, the Spurs used Diaw in the middle on a regular basis, their crunch time lineup was 2 combo guards, Diaw, Leonard and Duncan.
I also said that it lineups that BC would define as "small ball". And I have no doubt that if the Suns employed similarly sized players in those spots he'd rant and rave.
Well history is on BC's side. Look at all the titles in NBA history. Overwhelmingly playing a standard line up has proven to be the most successful. Again, no doubt some teams mix up the lineup with smaller guys to spark offense but I don't recall any using it as a primary lineup in the playoffs.