Ask our local media. Ask anyone who knows what league standard is? Go to the bathroom in the building and see how much of the building is out of date and dysfunctional? You are just displaying ignorance here.
Clearly you have all this information. Care to link to this comprehensive study?
How many media/players have you individually surveyed?
What is their exact point of contention?
I've been to the bathrooms many times. They see like bathrooms in every other NBA stadium I've been in. It isn't like the bathroom situation at SDS or Wrigley.
What specifically about the bathrooms need improvement to you? How much would that cost?
Why are you opposed to a tenant that is requesting money for betterments actually having to outline the cost and detail of what those betterments are and why they are needed?
You don't get a check for $150m on the basis of age when over half the buildings in the league were built within the decade of TSRA opening up and the time when it was renovated