Originally posted by Walter Mitchell
What spots does Mac need to change this year?
(3) Make smarter and quicker decisions on the sidelines, especially in terms of clock management. Perhaps Mac should pick the assistant he trusts the most ( I would recommend Jerry Sullivan) to consult with him during the games. Mac is an emotional guy...which is good...but emotions can get the better of a coach on the sidelines. At crunch time, Mac has to be able to check his emotions and make good, clear decisions.
I can agree that some of the game time sideline decisions could have been better last year. But I disagree with some of the rest of the comments. Yes, as head coach Mac has to accept responsibility for every decision made. But again I feel you hyperbolize and exaggerate no little amount here. As I mentioned before, do YOU have some divine knowledge as to exactly who was making specific calls during the game? Mac has never seemed to be a control freak, and I seriously doubt he makes every little decision in the game, and even when he does, I am also willing to bet he doesn't do it in a vacuum. Especially on offense. To insinuate he didn't consult other coaches particulary Olsen on offense and Marmie on defense, is just flat ludicrous.
(5) Do a better job of putting together the roster. If Josh McCown isn't ready to be the primary backup at the start of the season, Mac's got to get a veteran backup for the meantime. Going into the season last year with McCown as the primary backup was an egregious mistake. Some people say, "Well, it didn't cost us, Jake didn't get hurt." Think again, because if Mac had another QB to turn to when Jake was stinking the joint out, maybe the team would have won a few more games...and Mac may have been able to maintain his players' respect.
Jake is not the reason this team went 5-11 last year. He played every game. Some of his mistakes hurt, but as usual he also made up for a lot of them. Jake did what was expected of him, as he most always did here...he stayed healthy the whole season. So his level of play was dissapointing, but he's gone now. Changes WERE made. The only gamble the Cards took in regard to Jake/McCown/Parsons was that Jake might go down. He didn't. So that gamble cannot be critiicized in that regard. Jake didn't "stink the joint up" that much. Yes he made some mistakes, but again, they were not the only or even primary cause for last seasons record. Most people had high expectations for Jake last season, as he had finished fairly strong in 2001, he just didn't live up to expectation.
We hear that guys like Wakefield, Tanner and Davis aren't working out with the team in the off-season program. These are three guys who would have a hard time making any NFL roster...and Rod Graves better be ready top make some moves June 1st because it's pure folly to think that the Cardinals have solved the pass rushing problems by merely adding a couple more rookies to an already less than average bunch. There should be MAJOR turnover on the defensive line this year. To me the only ones who are locks are KVB, Bryant, Bell, Johnson and Pace. Two new players are needed at the minimum, possible three, although Alton Moore or Kenny King might be a nice surprise.
Hey, its the middle of May. There's a long way to go until the new season starts. Davis has been hurt, I thought Jim O. said Wakefield has been around. This seems like more just dumping on the Cards without really having all the facts, and a little premature even at that.
(6) Condition the players harder and better. The injuries have to be minimized and there's no better way to prevent injuries than by getting the team into tip-top shape.
From what has been posted lately in regard to the Cards weight training, It would appear that Ruguski's methods actullly do take injury preventioin into considerable account. Another way of base, and unfactual hypotheris here.
(7) The coaching staff as a whole has to do a much better job of integrating the young talent into the football team. Developing the talent and self-confidence of the younger players has not been a particular trademark of the current staff.
Hmmm, again, there is no real substantiation of any kind to this comment. In fact, if anything Mac has shown a tendancy to be reluctant to throw young players into to fire any sooner than he absolutely has to. Self confidence comes with experience and winning.....when the majority of your team, especially on the defensive side is young, neither of those is going normally come quickly or easily. In the meantime you do the best you can with what you have. Once again, I feel this a totally unjust accusation.
(8) Finally, make sure this year that the WORDS and the MUSIC match. No coach in the NFL has better words than Mac. If Mac can make sure this time around that his actions back up his words, his credibility with the players, the media and the fans will not only be restored, Mac's credibility will be relished.
And finally....I say Mac HAS NOT lost all the credibility you suggest he has, and I don't see his actions being as counter to what he says as you claim. Sure some of you who tend to spend the majority of your time being negative may claim such things, what else is new?