Originally posted by sundevilfan99
But the fact is that they are directly endeavoring to bankrupt ASU's athletic department, probably in an effort to both gain cash and to cripple the ability of ASU to be a significant competitor to their franchise.
Maybe you should have taken a few electives in the Social Sciences building.
Of course that building's been condemned (no doubt due to Bidwill's draft day trade) but you could probably pick up some self-help info from one of the kiosks if you reach through the "No Trespassing" tape.
Speaking of ASU's complete idiocy in managing itself and ignorant fools, such as yourself, that would put blame for ASU's financial short comings on a somebody paying rent to ASU (take a peek at some of those logic and sound reasoning classes if you decide to go back), chew on this.
All that has to be done to turn ASU into a top notch school and keep the legislature from having to worry about how much money to give ASU, etc. is to offer ASU to the public. Someone will purchase ASU. That money would go to the state, lowering taxes (if you use your vote correctly). Then, the owner of ASU would have an incentive to make ASU a better school to compete with other schools. The buildings that have been condemned (such as the social sciences building) would be fixed and bad teachers would be fired.
The problem now is that the money is so micromanaged within the budget and there is so much red tape to cut through to reallocate money that the budget is necessarily bloated and misallocated. Get the government out of schools.
Surely a conservative fellow like yourself can relate? Or are you simply going to whine and point fingers without looking in the mirror?
Your thoughts?
Budweiser salutes you, Mr. I'm a Big Ignorant Jackass Guy