Seattle @ Phoenix - Game Thread Tuesday 1/09/2007 7 pm


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Sep 24, 2002
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Chasing Ray Allen around the court on defense will take a little energy away from his offensive game. He did what was needed of him. Ray hit a couple of deep threes but other than that didn't do much.

Raja looked like he was trying hard but I wouldn't say he did even a fair job against Ray Allen. The latter was torching him until we started double teaming - and then they burned us inside. (Heck, half the reason for Collison's career night was our doubles on Ray. Another quarter of it was Amare's very uninspired performance.) Marion did a better job on Allen than Bell did - and Barbs fared no worse. I kept expecting D'Antoni to give Banks a shot at defending him - it seemed like a perfect time to give him the PT Mike talked about recently. Not that I'd expect Marcus to do particularly well since his forte is not negotiating screens and thats the key in defending Ray Allen.