Sick to my stomach


May 5, 2003
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Im just sick to my stomach knowing Quan will miss at least the first 4 weeks. I mean this is a real downer. Fitz will be double covered, Johnson will have the #1 cb on him and the oline will get demolished with blitzing LB'ers.

At least if Q was there we could do a 3 step drop zing it out to him and get some YAC's

Our only hope of 6 wins this year was the triple threat at wr with Jones as well.

Oh well now that I remember Jones maybe it wont be so bad.

Im still sick to my tummy tho.



Cap Casualty
Aug 12, 2003
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swd1974 said:
Im just sick to my stomach knowing Quan will miss at least the first 4 weeks. I mean this is a real downer. Fitz will be double covered, Johnson will have the #1 cb on him and the oline will get demolished with blitzing LB'ers.

At least if Q was there we could do a 3 step drop zing it out to him and get some YAC's

Our only hope of 6 wins this year was the triple threat at wr with Jones as well.

Oh well now that I remember Jones maybe it wont be so bad.

Im still sick to my tummy tho.


Does anybody remember how bad Dallas looked last year in their first pre-season game? They looked horrible, especially their o-line, but with good coaching they made it to the play-offs. We can do the same.

Dallas last year: avg QB, less than avg. RB, one decent WR, and an avg. o-line. They also had a good defense.

Cards this year: possibly an above avg QB, less than avg. RBs, two decent WRs, and hopefully an avg. o-line. Also, we might have a good defense.

Writing off the season at this point is still premature. We just need to finish 2-3 before the bye-week, and then Q's back and the play-offs are still a reality. Let's see how good of a coach Green realy is...


Registered User
Jan 10, 2003
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Phoenix/west side!!!
I think everyone is forgetting about Freddie Jones.....even without Quan, he is a viable option..... don't get me wrong.. we need Quan back asap but I think we will still have a very much improved offense over last year.....It's more about the system I think..... The better the players....the easier it will work, but I do think it will still do fine with the current guys.....

Stay with the system..... 3 wr's..... someone needs to step up.... everyone do their job & the system will work :thumbup:
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Sam Wise

Big, Dumb, Stupid Looking
Jul 5, 2002
Reaction score
Let's not start the pitty party yet. Green has done more with less talent in the past. We have some assets.

1. A young QB with a very good arm and enough athletic ability to keep us in games.
2. A potential ROTY in Fitzgerald. I also think Johnson will improve allot this year.
3. One of the best FB's in the NFL. I know people haven't seen allot from him in camp, but I have a feeling he may be DG's secret weapon.
4. A young fast defense that most teams will overlook and we may catch some teams by surprise.
5. An offensive genius as a coach.

Have faith guys, playoffs are probably not feasable this year, but we will knock some teams on their butts.


Roamin' Gnome
Jun 15, 2004
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Chandler, AZ
any system that does NOT start Jeff Blake is a better system. I'm all aboard the Josh McCown bandwagon. Q will only help, but as was said a few months ago, it's not about Q, or any of the receivers. It's about McCown. If he can't get anyone the ball, the recievers do NOT matter.


Jul 21, 2003
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This unfortunate incident is going to really show us what type of players Green is grooming. We will see how many players, realizing the loss of Quan, step it up a notch and perform to their highest ability. I have thought all preseason that we would be very surprised by a few players that have disappointed us pre-Green. This incident just gives this team and its players a better opportunity to come together and achieve. Maybe we will see Quan returning to a confident, cohesive team. It is time for the Arizona Cardinals to face adversity head on and become better with its lessons, not stick their heads in the sand at the first sign of challenge. Isn’t that what Anquan would do?

Go Cardinals!

Russ Smith

The Original Whizzinator
Supporting Member
May 14, 2002
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I am too although in my case it's mainly a bout with acid reflux(wish Prevacid would work faster).

Not that I wish injury on anybody, but a kid like Quan with his attitude it literally does make you sick to see this happen. The karma gods have some explaining to do as far as I'm concerned.


Registered User
Oct 11, 2002
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Glendale, Arizona
swd1974 said:
Im just sick to my stomach knowing Quan will miss at least the first 4 weeks. I mean this is a real downer. Fitz will be double covered, Johnson will have the #1 cb on him and the oline will get demolished with blitzing LB'ers.

At least if Q was there we could do a 3 step drop zing it out to him and get some YAC's

Our only hope of 6 wins this year was the triple threat at wr with Jones as well.

Oh well now that I remember Jones maybe it wont be so bad.

Im still sick to my tummy tho.


Look on the bright side; they caught this injury early before it became a career ending injury.

Allan :wave: :thumbup:


Sep 23, 2002
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Mesa, AZ
Bobcat said:
Look on the bright side; they caught this injury early before it became a career ending injury.

Allan :wave: :thumbup:

Although Jurecki and Lewis are wondering if maybe the med staff and Green didn't cause this to go from being a 2-4 injury into a 8-12 week injury by his practicing Monday afternoon. Alot of unanswered questions on this and they may have made Quan's injury worse than it was.


Registered User
Oct 11, 2002
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Glendale, Arizona
AZCB34 said:
Although Jurecki and Lewis are wondering if maybe the med staff and Green didn't cause this to go from being a 2-4 injury into a 8-12 week injury by his practicing Monday afternoon. Alot of unanswered questions on this and they may have made Quan's injury worse than it was.

Good point...But isn't it up to the player to let the coaches and the medical staff that he is hurting. Don't blame this on DG and Med staff, blame Quan for not letting them know sooner rather than later.

Allan :wave: :thumbup:

Russ Smith

The Original Whizzinator
Supporting Member
May 14, 2002
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Bobcat said:
Good point...But isn't it up to the player to let the coaches and the medical staff that he is hurting. Don't blame this on DG and Med staff, blame Quan for not letting them know sooner rather than later.

Allan :wave: :thumbup:

he did, that's why he sat out practice Monday, because the knee hurt. They had him checked out, cleared him, and then it locked up Tuesday.

I can't hear Jurecki but apparently that's what he's asking on radio, given that there wasn't anybody available to read an MRI (assuming Quan had one Monday) why was he cleared to practice on Tuesday?

I have no idea what happened but apparently MJ is saying that DG has created this atmosphere of must be tough to the point where they cleared their best player to play without being sure he was ok and may have turned a minor 2 week injury into a 8-12 week injury. Impossible to prove of course.


Sep 23, 2002
Reaction score
Mesa, AZ
Russ Smith said:
he did, that's why he sat out practice Monday, because the knee hurt. They had him checked out, cleared him, and then it locked up Tuesday.

I can't hear Jurecki but apparently that's what he's asking on radio, given that there wasn't anybody available to read an MRI (assuming Quan had one Monday) why was he cleared to practice on Tuesday?

I have no idea what happened but apparently MJ is saying that DG has created this atmosphere of must be tough to the point where they cleared their best player to play without being sure he was ok and may have turned a minor 2 week injury into a 8-12 week injury. Impossible to prove of course.

Essentially here is the timeline presented by Jurecki...and I am doing this from memory so I hope I don't miss anything.

Friday - Quan feels discomfort in knee during scrimmage

Saturday - Quan apparently doesn't mention the knee and practices on it (if so, that is Quans error)

Monday - Quan is held out of practice due to knee and has MRI. Quan is cleared for afternoon practice even though Flag does not have someone qualified to read an MRI according to Jurecki.

Tuesday - Quan locks up.

Assuming this is all 100% right, Quan should have mentioned it Saturday. By practicing on it, he may have increased the extent of the injury. However Jurecki says that green has built up a mentality of getting their butts into practice no matter what may have caused Quan to not say anything.

Jurecki also questions how he could have been cleared if nobody was able to read the MRI in Flagstaff...which is an excellent question. Who said he could practice?

All Jurecki and Lewis are saying is that, there are alot of holes in this story that need to be filled in and their opinion is the bunker mentality Green has built up pressured Quan into practicing when he shouldn't have and then a faulty med clearance turned this injury worse.

Quan does apparently have something to do with this but I think the opinons being floated are very valid.


Klowned by Keim
Feb 14, 2003
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Gilbert, AZ
Ugh. Does it matter who's "to blame"? Would firing Green, or Jim's dad, or whomever get Quan back on to the field (faster)? Cripes. It's not like Jurecki is the biggest Pro-Green guy in the media.

Quan's a tough kid. Remember, guys: Quan fell in the draft for two reasons: his speed at the Combine, and his injury history. Quan's a tough kid. Don't worry about who's at fault, because it doesn't matter. What's important is making sure that Bryant Johnson and McCown still have a lot of opportunities to work on their timing, and seeing if Poole can run Quan's routes and use his hands and size to his advantage against a quality secondary.


Sep 23, 2002
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Mesa, AZ
kerouac9 said:
Ugh. Does it matter who's "to blame"? Would firing Green, or Jim's dad, or whomever get Quan back on to the field (faster)? Cripes. It's not like Jurecki is the biggest Pro-Green guy in the media.

Quan's a tough kid. Remember, guys: Quan fell in the draft for two reasons: his speed at the Combine, and his injury history. Quan's a tough kid. Don't worry about who's at fault, because it doesn't matter. What's important is making sure that Bryant Johnson and McCown still have a lot of opportunities to work on their timing, and seeing if Poole can run Quan's routes and use his hands and size to his advantage against a quality secondary.

But do you find it strange that he was medically cleared to play even though it sounds like nobody could have read the MRI that was taken?

And who said to fire anyone?

Jeez K9, can you not see this overall picture and be concerned that something happened that should not have and the series of events turned a 2-4 week injury into an 8-12 week injury to our best player? And if looked at properly, had this thing been dealt with properly by all parties on Saturday, he may still be fine and just resting a few practices. Makes sense. Let's get Poole out there instead of Quan.

Fine...all is well. **** happens and it never matters what events occur.


Klowned by Keim
Feb 14, 2003
Reaction score
Gilbert, AZ
AZCB34 said:
But do you find it strange that he was medically cleared to play even though it sounds like nobody could have read the MRI that was taken?

And who said to fire anyone?

Jeez K9, can you not see this overall picture and be concerned that something happened that should not have and the series of events turned a 2-4 week injury into an 8-12 week injury to our best player? And if looked at properly, had this thing been dealt with properly by all parties on Saturday, he may still be fine and just resting a few practices. Makes sense. Let's get Poole out there instead of Quan.

Fine...all is well. **** happens and it never matters what events occur.

Well, what's the end result of affixing blame in this matter--especially publicly? If Jim O's dad--the head trainer in Flag, right?--was the one whose inexpert reading of an MRI lead to the 12-week absence of your team's best player, how can a player respect his findings on anything else? Or if it were Green, does that not have some consequence? What if Anquan said "I'm fine, get me on the field"? Does that change anything? What if Anquan said, "Fix me, O", and he did? What are you hoping to gain by publicly "exposing" who is to blame/is responsible for Quan being on the field? Tell me that.

Does any of this get Anquan back on the field faster--or help the Cardinals win? Isn't that the goal?

What happened, happened. If there's an incident review that needs to take place, it should absolutely be handled in-house. A lot of teams have had bad injuries this pre-season. A lot of teams have bad injuries every pre-season. Was there a scandal about who haded Mike Vick those spikes for last year's pre-season game? No, and that injury was much worse for the Falcons than this one--really, big-picture--is for the Cards.

Making an investigation into something that may or may not have happened is something that this team definitely doesn't need: another distraction.


Sep 23, 2002
Reaction score
Mesa, AZ
K9, this is the lamest argument you have ever used. Comparing Vick to Boldin is moronic.

Fine. You are right. Let's end this. No distractions for this team. And if it happens again, we can just sweep it under the rug again and not try and find out where the system to win games went wrong. Maybe by the 5th or 6th time, then we can start to wonder but even then, Green is coaching this team and he is great.

Rah, rah rah!!


Klowned by Keim
Feb 14, 2003
Reaction score
Gilbert, AZ
AZCB34 said:
K9, this is the lamest argument you have ever used. Comparing Vick to Boldin is moronic.

Fine. You are right. Let's end this. No distractions for this team. And if it happens again, we can just sweep it under the rug again and not try and find out where the system to win games went wrong. Maybe by the 5th or 6th time, then we can start to wonder but even then, Green is coaching this team and he is great.

Rah, rah rah!!

Seriously, Cubby. What do you want to see? Do you want to see a trainer marched out of Flagstaff because he cleared Quan to play? What do you want?

What about Michael Bennett last season? His foot injury probably hurt the offense a little. He was allowed to play for a while. I don't understand what the fire is that you're seeing here.

Do you think that Denny Green personally ordered Anquan Boldin onto the practice Turf at the Walkup Skydome after examining his MRI? Is that what you want to hear?

I just don't get it. :shrug:


Dec 8, 2002
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ordinance 2257
kerouac9 said:
If Jim O's dad--the head trainer in Flag, right?--was the one whose inexpert reading of an MRI lead to the 12-week absence of your team's best player

I always taught that only Doctors can read an MRI unless Jim O dad has a MD license? :shrug:


Sep 23, 2002
Reaction score
Mesa, AZ
kerouac9 said:
Seriously, Cubby. What do you want to see? Do you want to see a trainer marched out of Flagstaff because he cleared Quan to play? What do you want?

What about Michael Bennett last season? His foot injury probably hurt the offense a little. He was allowed to play for a while. I don't understand what the fire is that you're seeing here.

Do you think that Denny Green personally ordered Anquan Boldin onto the practice Turf at the Walkup Skydome after examining his MRI? Is that what you want to hear?

I just don't get it. :shrug:

What I want to see is simple. Find where the system went wrong and make sure it doesn't happen again. Why is that so hard for you to get??? Nobody has to get fired...and I never once said anyone did.

If a trainer made a goof, fine people make mistakes but let's make sure it doesn;t happan again.

If Green ordered Boldin to suck it up, well I hope he learned his lesson and this same mistake will not happen again.

If Boldin was mum on everything and didn't adequately explain his pain, then I hope he has learned his lesson and he will be more forthcoming.

Damn K9, instead of looking for conspiracies everywhere, use your brain. All I want is for the cards to avoid a repeat of this since it is CLEAR there was a problem somewhere in the communication chain...or do you not even agree with that????????

EDIT: BTW, I don't give a Jake's ass about Bennett. He is not on the Cards. Let Vikes fans ponder what should or should not have been done.


Klowned by Keim
Feb 14, 2003
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Gilbert, AZ
AZCB34 said:
...find out where the system to win games went wrong.

What does this even mean? An injury to a player with a history of knee problems was a problem with the "system"?! Are you going off the deep end?


Sep 23, 2002
Reaction score
Mesa, AZ
kerouac9 said:
What does this even mean? An injury to a player with a history of knee problems was a problem with the "system"?! Are you going off the deep end?

It was the opposite knee from the one he blew out. That I know of, he never had issues with his right knee.

Forget it. Obviously you think nothing went wrong and I am not going to waste my time on this anymore.


Klowned by Keim
Feb 14, 2003
Reaction score
Gilbert, AZ
AZCB34 said:
What I want to see is simple. Find where the system went wrong and make sure it doesn't happen again. Why is that so hard for you to get??? Nobody has to get fired...and I never once said anyone did.

If a trainer made a goof, fine people make mistakes but let's make sure it doesn;t happan again.

If Green ordered Boldin to suck it up, well I hope he learned his lesson and this same mistake will not happen again.

If Boldin was mum on everything and didn't adequately explain his pain, then I hope he has learned his lesson and he will be more forthcoming.

Damn K9, instead of looking for conspiracies everywhere, use your brain. All I want is for the cards to avoid a repeat of this since it is CLEAR there was a problem somewhere in the communication chain...or do you not even agree with that????????

And why do you think that this needs to be handled openly, in the media, so you can know about it? Don't you think that the Cards are going to look into where this breakdown may or may not have occurred?

You're getting a little shrill, Cubby. Get used to the fact that Green's Cardinals aren't going to be as forthcoming with the info as Mac's Cardinals were. There's no reason whatsoever that the fans or media need to know who cleared Boldin to play. The only reason that MJ can possibly be broadcasting this garbage is to stir up trouble.

Russ Smith

The Original Whizzinator
Supporting Member
May 14, 2002
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kerouac9 said:
What does this even mean? An injury to a player with a history of knee problems was a problem with the "system"?! Are you going off the deep end?

if a guy has a "history of knee problems" wouldn't you make sure he's ok before you let him practice? Especially if he's your best player? Especially if you know he's a "tough" guy who may be willing to go out and play with something he shouldn't be playing with?

It's been made perfectly clear who's in control of this team, if Green allows his best player to return to practice with a torn meniscus that will show on an MRI once it's been read, I would say Green should be called on that so it doesn't happen again.

I don't think anybody is blaming the trainer here, we all understand injuries happen. But when your best player complains of a sore knee, and you do an MRI on said sore knee, it doesn't make much sense to have the kid practicing before you've read the MRI. If Lewis and Jurecki are right, that's apparently what happened.

nobody is saying fire somebody, just figure out what happened and if there was a mistake made, how to make sure it doesn't happen again.


Klowned by Keim
Feb 14, 2003
Reaction score
Gilbert, AZ
Russ Smith said:
nobody is saying fire somebody, just figure out what happened and if there was a mistake made, how to make sure it doesn't happen again.

And I don't disagree. It just seems to me that Cubby wants to make sure that the Cards issue a press release every step of the way, so that we all know what's going on. That doesn't seem productive to me.

I just don't see the need to shrilly decry that there's a problem with some "system" that's going on. I'm sure that the Cardinals understand that there was a breakdown somewhere (especially if no one--or no one qualified--reviewed the MRI before Anquan's return), and will work to remedy it.


We do this together
Jan 21, 2004
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Russ Smith said:
It's been made perfectly clear who's in control of this team, if Green allows his best player to return to practice with a torn meniscus that will show on an MRI once it's been read, I would say Green should be called on that so it doesn't happen again.

That makes little sense to me, Russ.

Why would Green allow Q to mess up his knee even more by having him practice and then lose him for 8-12 weeks for the sake of one practice? That is shooting your self in the foot lesson #1.

If Green was aware it was torn meniscus, I doubt Q would of been allowed to practice at all. Sounds like a mess up by the Cardinal medical staff to me.
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