So how many are left?


Apr 30, 2003
Reaction score
I wish we could take a census of how many Cards fans are left.

I am hanging in there but not well. As with most bad things you can see the light at the end of the tunnel.

I see a light but it is dim, and furthermore I don't know if the light at the end of the tunnel is actually there or if my brain is playing tricks on me.

Question to ask oneself:

Is this team doomed to be terrible forever?

Are they EVER going to get better?

Why do I watch every week ?

Why when I love NFL Football so much do I waste time watching these clowns?

I seriously have some deep seeded hate for some of the players/coaches out on that field right now. :mad:

Stupid Cardinals.



Stack 'em up!
Aug 9, 2002
Reaction score
I am still here Rugby...

...but I am a "little angry".


Oct 14, 2003
Reaction score
Re: I am still here Rugby...

Originally posted by Redheart
...but I am a "little angry".

agreed, but can u get Coach Mac to get real pissed off and start coaching like an NFL coach. All I ask, is for the Cards to show some pride in one road game--they don't have to win, just play with pride and loose with dignity.


ASFN Addict
Aug 22, 2003
Reaction score
The 215
Couldn't have said it better Cali. I just would rather not be ashamed to walk into work the next day. A 31-10 loss, I can take. 50-14 no way.


#40 Never Forget
Sep 19, 2002
Reaction score
Oro Valley
Still a fan....I am angry, and absolutely disgusted. I feel I've been lied to over and over again. I've spent a ton of hardearned cash on this team year after year after pathetic year. I've been a season ticket holder for years driving up and back from Tucson. I usually go to 1 road game a year. I own tons of Cards merch. It's time that this org does anything and everything in it's power to turn this sad franchise around STAT! It needs to go OVERBOARD to change the perception of absoltue incompetence. Simeon Rice got the wrong body part when he called this the armpit of the NFL...he needs to head due south into a dark and scary place...that would be a more appropriate analogy as to where this franchise is right now. Am I still a fan? Ofcourse I am...I take my beating every Sunday and come back for more..Players like Quan Boldin, Marcel Shipp and Freddie Jones give me hope of a brighter tommorrow..but I need to feel the same about the people incharge of this organization...otherwise Quan will be going to the Playoffs for some other team when his contract is Rice, A. Williams, Chavous, Plummer, Pittman, Hearst, etc, etc. etc.... It's time for Bidwill Jr. to say enough is enough...just like I am saying the same thing..."ENOUGH IS ENOUGH"! If I don't see some major changes in this off season I will not be renewing my season tix, not now...not ever! They need to show a commitment to a loyal die hard fan. It's put up or shut up time. It all starts with cleaning house and overpaying a legitimate head coach with a proven track record who can bring in talent to this team. Then the Cards NEED to be proactive bringing in quality free agents. Last but not least...should they get the first pick they need to draft Eli Manning to be the franchise qb...Manning to Boldin should be a combination for a long time around here....


Next NY Gov
Supporting Member
May 14, 2002
Reaction score
Originally posted by Jttsaz
Still a fan....I am angry, and absolutely disgusted. I feel I've been lied to over and over again. I've spent a ton of hardearned cash on this team year after year after pathetic year. I've been a season ticket holder for years driving up and back from Tucson. I usually go to 1 road game a year. I own tons of Cards merch. It's time that this org does anything and everything in it's power to turn this sad franchise around STAT! It needs to go OVERBOARD to change the perception of absoltue incompetence. Simeon Rice got the wrong body part when he called this the armpit of the NFL...he needs to head due south into a dark and scary place...that would be a more appropriate analogy as to where this franchise is right now. Am I still a fan? Ofcourse I am...I take my beating every Sunday and come back for more..Players like Quan Boldin, Marcel Shipp and Freddie Jones give me hope of a brighter tommorrow..but I need to feel the same about the people incharge of this organization...otherwise Quan will be going to the Playoffs for some other team when his contract is Rice, A. Williams, Chavous, Plummer, Pittman, Hearst, etc, etc. etc.... It's time for Bidwill Jr. to say enough is enough...just like I am saying the same thing..."ENOUGH IS ENOUGH"! If I don't see some major changes in this off season I will not be renewing my season tix, not now...not ever! They need to show a commitment to a loyal die hard fan. It's put up or shut up time. It all starts with cleaning house and overpaying a legitimate head coach with a proven track record who can bring in talent to this team. Then the Cards NEED to be proactive bringing in quality free agents. Last but not least...should they get the first pick they need to draft Eli Manning to be the franchise qb...Manning to Boldin should be a combination for a long time around here....

I came to this same conclusion but it was this year. Enough is enough. When this team wins then it will get my devotion back. Until then, I am withholding for my own peace of mind.

I am not a fan of Graves because he has been with this organization. I view him as part of the problem. I question his ability to judge talent and to make good decisions. He is at best 50/50 right now. I hope he can turn it around but I am not holding my breath. When I see wins then I will change. Period.

(BTW...You can still be a fan and have this attitude.)


Mar 11, 2003
Reaction score
Wandering the Universe
Originally posted by RugbyMuffin

Is this team doomed to be terrible forever?

Are they EVER going to get better?

Why do I watch every week ?

Wow, sounds like me for the past 5+ years.

I'm still here, but I don't have any answers. :(

"Why would you sign up for this kind of abuse Mayo?"


Hall of Famer
Sep 17, 2002
Reaction score
Peoria, AZ.

I made it as a Season Ticket Holder for a decade but my 11th season is in question because of 2 things.

1. The Losing (obviously if there is parody in the league we should win eventually or at the very least be more competitive)

2. The lack of the front office ability to "close the deal" when we have obvious "NEED".. (After KVB went down we needed a DL with experience & we did nothing) I also believe you need a backup (or young "talented") QB that can win or make the team (& fans) think they can win. (Pretty obvious this staff or people in this organization don't believe it's Josh)


Aug 16, 2003
Reaction score
Originally posted by RugbyMuffin
I wish we could take a census of how many Cards fans are left.

Still here. Been a fan for 30 years now. (I bet 40 YEAR FAN is still here too, among others). I became a fan when they were actually competitive in the old NFC East division in the 1970s. I cling to that small hope that they will someday return to those flashes of brilliance. :)

Is this team doomed to be terrible forever?

Probably yes. I maybe going out of a limb here ;) , but I don't think it's the players anymore. I think it's the system, the organization, the play selections, the yeah-you-name-it. Just look at all the "All-Pros" that were released and look at them now. You don't have to look farther back than last night on MNF.

Are they EVER going to get better?

Probably no. See above.

Why do I watch every week ?

Because it's easier than actually doing something constructive. :D Or we could talk about your childhood. But really I think it's because we're true, dedicated, loyal fans who want (and hope) to see OUR team do better, right?

Why when I love NFL Football so much do I waste time watching these clowns?

To be honest, I am learning to appreciate other (more competitive) games on TV now. But I still keep on eye on the Cards.

I seriously have some deep seeded hate for some of the players/coaches out on that field right now. :mad:

Ouch. Deep-seeded, huh? Well, I guess I'm a "little angry" myself.


May 13, 2002
Reaction score
Still a fan but really disgusted. Been a season ticket holder since they moved here. Almost left when they hired Buddy (Weiner in Town) Ryan. Next year is even more questionable. :confused: :bang: :cards:

Jersey Girl

Stand down
Supporting Member
Sep 17, 2002
Reaction score
Super Scottsdale
I'm still here, but am embarrassed. Went to a meeting last night where the VP busted on me for being a Cards fan in front of a bunch of people. I was embarrassed. People want to know why I'm a fan ... most assume it's because I like the colors or something. :rolleyes: I'm tired of having to explain to people why I follow a doomed team that many think will never get better.

It's kinda like the abused woman syndrome. Every year the organization promises me it will change, that it won't hurt me anymore. And I keep going back with hope. But it's always the same. Pow, right in the kisser!

BUT ....

I will continue to do so. I'm only 31. They HAVE to get better before I die (which, God willing, won't be anytime soon).


ASFN Lifer
Nov 24, 2002
Reaction score
Reston, VA
I'm a lifer, no sane reason why. It is almost impossible to get any worse than this. "Wait 'til next year!"


I want my 2$
Sep 1, 2002
Reaction score
Originally posted by Jersey Girl Cards Fan
I'm still here, but am embarrassed. Went to a meeting last night where the VP busted on me for being a Cards fan in front of a bunch of people. I was embarrassed. People want to know why I'm a fan ... most assume it's because I like the colors or something. :rolleyes: I'm tired of having to explain to people why I follow a doomed team that many think will never get better.

It's kinda like the abused woman syndrome. Every year the organization promises me it will change, that it won't hurt me anymore. And I keep going back with hope. But it's always the same. Pow, right in the kisser!

BUT ....

I will continue to do so. I'm only 31. They HAVE to get better before I die (which, God willing, won't be anytime soon).

I get the same thing imagine being a Cards fan with the Chiefs having the year they are. Most are pretty amazed that I have lived here for 13 years and still don't have the Chiefs as my main team but there isn't any point in worrying about it I have 0 control over it just like you can't pick who you love.


Sep 23, 2002
Reaction score
Mesa, AZ
Originally posted by Jersey Girl Cards Fan
I'm still here, but am embarrassed. Went to a meeting last night where the VP busted on me for being a Cards fan in front of a bunch of people. I was embarrassed. People want to know why I'm a fan ... most assume it's because I like the colors or something. :rolleyes: I'm tired of having to explain to people why I follow a doomed team that many think will never get better.

It's kinda like the abused woman syndrome. Every year the organization promises me it will change, that it won't hurt me anymore. And I keep going back with hope. But it's always the same. Pow, right in the kisser!

BUT ....

I will continue to do so. I'm only 31. They HAVE to get better before I die (which, God willing, won't be anytime soon).

I am surprised at the anger being shown about what has happened. I think Jersey girl hits it on the head though. I am embarrassed that this is the "NFL" product that is being given to the fans who follow this team...the NFL fans of the PHX metro area.

I predicted better for this team this year but the wheels fell off early and in a typical fashion nobody had the knowledge to figure out how to put the wheels back on...and as time went, the doors fell off and the bumpers.

I am not as optimistic about Graves as some. I have overall been mildly impressed with what he has done but even he seems to be questioning some of the signings he made this past offseason:

QUote from Graves:
"We acquired what we felt were key players, guys from winning teams, guys we classified as leaders," Graves said. "We felt good about some of the young talent, and we still do. We felt like we took steps to forming a base of guys that will add the long-term continuity we’re seeking."

This quote seems incomplete like there should a BUT at the end.

john h

Registered User
Sep 24, 2002
Reaction score
Little Rock
Originally posted by Jttsaz
Still a fan....I am angry, and absolutely disgusted. I feel I've been lied to over and over again. I've spent a ton of hardearned cash on this team year after year after pathetic year. I've been a season ticket holder for years driving up and back from Tucson. I usually go to 1 road game a year. I own tons of Cards merch. It's time that this org does anything and everything in it's power to turn this sad franchise around STAT! It needs to go OVERBOARD to change the perception of absoltue incompetence. Simeon Rice got the wrong body part when he called this the armpit of the NFL...he needs to head due south into a dark and scary place...that would be a more appropriate analogy as to where this franchise is right now. Am I still a fan? Ofcourse I am...I take my beating every Sunday and come back for more..Players like Quan Boldin, Marcel Shipp and Freddie Jones give me hope of a brighter tommorrow..but I need to feel the same about the people incharge of this organization...otherwise Quan will be going to the Playoffs for some other team when his contract is Rice, A. Williams, Chavous, Plummer, Pittman, Hearst, etc, etc. etc.... It's time for Bidwill Jr. to say enough is enough...just like I am saying the same thing..."ENOUGH IS ENOUGH"! If I don't see some major changes in this off season I will not be renewing my season tix, not now...not ever! They need to show a commitment to a loyal die hard fan. It's put up or shut up time. It all starts with cleaning house and overpaying a legitimate head coach with a proven track record who can bring in talent to this team. Then the Cards NEED to be proactive bringing in quality free agents. Last but not least...should they get the first pick they need to draft Eli Manning to be the franchise qb...Manning to Boldin should be a combination for a long time around here....

Unfortunately Bidwill could make money if the stadium was empty. Some of you may be young enough to see this team sold some day to someone who wants to win and will put his resources into it and produce a competitive team. I fear we do not have enough time to put a very good team on the field by the time the new stadium is built. Probably fill up for a few games but if we proceed as usual it will rapidly drop back to a 20,000 crowd of crazies like us who cannot be run off at any cost. If I was Bidwill I would give away about 20,000 seats to groups like military in uniform, kids under 12,etc just to get some people in the seats. They could at least buy some products and maybe not embarras us with those high school typ crowds we see on TV.

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