fantasyballer said:
Hey BRT did you see the ASU game today?? Looks like they are gona be just as godo next year!! Get on board now!
Yes, I did see the last half of the 4th qtr Friday while at Famous Sams with Gee. Gee tried to get a "Lets Go Wildcats" chant going, it didn't go over too well
I have followed the Devils as best I could this year, I will give them respect as being the local team and all. There is just this HUGE gap between SEC football though, and Pac 10. Back south, they take SEC football up to another whole level. The same is true in the Big 12. Big 10 though is a little wishy washy. Sometimes they step it up to that level, sometimes they don't. Outside of those conferences, it is just really difficult for me to get really into a game. As great as ASU was this year, with all the students that attend there, and alot of alumni still living in the valley here, they still were having trouble selling out, this is what I've heard anyway. But, im not singling out ASU either, same is true with Cats, and at USC.
I have seen firsthand how awesome and intense college fb can be. But, until people in general on the west coast can step it up to that same level, it would be extremely difficult for me to get really into it. I have never ragged on the devils or cats, just pac 10 style of football in general.
Huge props though on that great Sun Bowl comeback victory, that was sweet