This is the story of a group of emotionally unstable friends trying to have healthy relationships in L.A. -- if such a thing is even possible. It's a story about falling in love today ... and out tomorrow, of changing your relationships as often as your underwear.
Starring: Giovanni Ribisi, Juliette Lewis, More
Director: Rory Kelly
This one was wierd, the only reason I wanted to see it was because the Murmurs were in it, and they were in it for 2 seconds, but overall it remined me of a lower budget Singles without the Grunge. I still enjoyed it.
Starring: Giovanni Ribisi, Juliette Lewis, More
Director: Rory Kelly
This one was wierd, the only reason I wanted to see it was because the Murmurs were in it, and they were in it for 2 seconds, but overall it remined me of a lower budget Singles without the Grunge. I still enjoyed it.