Somers makes a pretty convincing argument.
Somers makes a pretty convincing argument.
Somers makes a pretty convincing argument.
Which is what? If Somers made an argument, I missed it.
He told you specifically why with Whiz's choice of words he feels it will be Anderson. Just read it!
He told you specifically why with Whiz's choice of words he feels it will be Anderson. Just read it!
You mean where he admitted he was just guessing?
That's what everyone is doing correct? But his reasons for his guess IMO are pretty convincing. Go watch the video at cards website. Listen to Whiz light up when he talks about DA especially at the end of the video.
Specifically said more than stats will go into teh decision. Dint like the fell and giddiness he gets when talking about DA.
Are you channelling "The Smel?"
I must be. Or I'm just tired
Judges accept that. Staring at that line for a bit, I figured out what you meant. Hey, how about that draft? I think we need another email saying we should hurry up.
I gathered he has no clue what Whiz is thinking. If DA is the starter I have to wonder what the hell our coach is watching! DA has been outplayed by Matt and if DA is the starter well then we really need to question our coach. I mean if your going to start a guy at the most important position on the field who has been outplayed for what seems to be some sort of personal dislike your doing a disservice to the team and its fans!
I agree it's a disservice to the team and fans if it was done out of personal dislike. However, I really doubt personal dislike factored into the decision in any way. Obviously, none of us know for sure why Whiz did it this way but the guy is not stupid. He's not going to shoot himself in the foot simply because he doesn't like someone. Denny Green maybe, but not a chance with Ken Whisenhunt IMO.
Yep, lets hope DA turns into Warner part II. I don't like it but it is what it is.
Geez, that freezes up a lot. Just me?
Played smoothly for me. let it run through on mute then go back and watch it maybe?
not worth it.
Hoping the replacement of a HOFer "turns into" a HOFer?? Yea, that happens much...