I REALLY do NOT like the idea that the Fiesta Bowl is moving out of Tempe and into the Cardianls new stadium. To me...this just kills everything that is good about the Fiesta Bowl.
First of all...and I'm sorry to say this, but Glendale is East L.A. Full of crime and illegal aliens. I expect after a couple of years of major universities coming out to watch their team play in Glendale, I'm sure we'll hear some rumblings about "why in the world was the game ever moved out here?"
So, do you think that a state of the art stadium, the super bowl and fiesta bowl etc. will bring in nice hotels/resorts, fine dining, golf courses, better roads and more?
I think so. And with that comes cleaning up Glendale. It's a major win for them and it's too damn bad that the other so called contenders couldn't see past their hatred for the Cardinal organization.
They win and you lose. Live with it.