i don't appreciate that kind of joke..
OK, my bad then. I just figured that when you came out completely unsolicited and said, "I would never call my wife my better ho..." that you must have been joking, so I made a joke off of that.
And to answer your first question, no, I'm not married. So I guess I won't be able to understand why calling your wife a ho would be offensive to a married person. Incidentilly, I almost was married, but right before the wedding ceremony, I slipped the rabbi (i'm jewish) a little money under the table to say, "I now pronounce you husband and ho." When he actually said it, my fiance was so incensed that she stormed out of the room and never forgave me. It really sucked. I mean, the rabbi never even got the chance to say, "You may now kiss that b*tch!" even though I told him I'd pay him extra for it. Anyway I guess the joke is on them, because I paid him with a check and it bounced!
But seriously, thanks for telling everybody that you would never call your wife your better ho. I now know that Marbury would call his wife a ho and that you would not.