They Olympic Village thing makes little sense. Stanford has been sub-par in the only sports that matter whenever they have not had Monty or Harbaugh, both of whom were happy to leave once they got a bigger paycheck. The non-revenue sports become dead weight when a school stresses them.
I couldn't disagree more. ASU is land rich and money poor, the Olympic village concept is a step towards solving the latter half of the equation. By selling off or developing all that land along the Lake and Karsten, ASU will open up new streams of revenue.
Its unclear yet as to how they're going to set it up but if they sell the land directly obviously that could be a big windfall. Or they could lease the land and collect rent on it, we'll see.
This is more about getting Olympic athletes to train in Tempe year round. Building on things like the Athletes Performance Institute. Right now the USIOC does most of their training in Colorado Springs, Tempe is trying to get some of that to move down here is my impression.
Its not that ASU is stressing the Olympic sports at all. Though I'm sure they'll be able to use those facilities and will benefit as well.
Plus Crow has talked about trying to attract the Pan Am Games to PHX/Tempe (they haven't been in the US since Indianapolis in the mid 90s) which would likely make ASU money as well.