My thoughts on the game:
1. It's official: We're spoiled. At the 4 minute mark of the third quarter, after a made Houston basket, Amare inbounds to Nash, who throws 3/4 court ahead to Marion (who isn't in a breakaway or anything, but has just a step or two on the defense), who slams it home. Elapsed time, 3 seconds (and again, not on a fast break, but on a made basket). It's the kind of play that would have people shouting all over themselves about "Phoenix basketball" in previous years. But now Tom Leander barely even bothers to announce the play, it's so routine. If Leander doesn't even get excited about it, we're spoiled.
2. Hill continues to shine. Someone compared him to JJ, but he's well beyond JJ territory, in my mind. A giant boost.
3. LB is also tearing it up this year, and seems to me to be a significant upgrade over what he was giving us last year this early in the season. To those who are wondering what we've added over last year, I would point not only to Hill, but to LB.
4. Our best offensive performance of the year comes with Bell on the bench. Makes you wonder. On the other hand, we also allowed a lot of points, so maybe Bell's defense would have made a big difference there.
5. Doug Collins on Thursday said that the Suns had played only 3 games with their top seven guys all in the lineup together. Since Bell didn't play tonight, that must still be true. To be 8-2 with only 3 games where everyone showed up is a great start, and seems to suggest that there's still a lot of room for improvement as people eventually get a chance to play together.
6. Have the Suns played a single close game this season (say, anything that came down to the final few possessions)? I've seen every game, and all I can remember are blowouts. Seems like a wierd lack of drama to these games. Sure, we're "letting teams back in," but not like we did last year.
Bring on the Kings!