True. As are entertainers. As the middle class disappears and stress rises in our society, Americans pay up the old wazoo for instant gratification and diversion.
Isn't it obscene how good teachers are so grossly underpaid, adding less skilled educators to the mix? And how family physicians are bailing out left and right, becoming specialists (where the money is), causing less skilled general practitioners to lower medical standards.
I checked in for a case of dehydration and the hospital turned it into a 23 1/2 hour ordeal of mis-diagnoses and contradictions. I was assigned a hospital doctor just over from Russia whose medical degree in the States was as a D.O. (a glorified chiropractor) from the New York Institute of Technology.
New York Institute of Technology? What did they teach him? How to wire a telephone? He could barely speak English and was apparently no more proficient at reading it, causing him to mis-diagnoses an MRI they administered, along with various other tests (full body X-ray, etc.), when it was clear that dehydration was the culprit. Boy, did they milk the insurance company.
What's happening in sports -- .240 hitting shortstops getting paid millions of dollars per year to sit on the bench -- is just a microcosm of what's happening in our runaway society.
Question is, how long can this system sustain itself? We've already seen if a couple of banks go down, it's suddenly a world wide crisis. Not to mention how much something simple as price of oil dictates.. well everything really: politics, prices of everything else, lifestyle, it starts wars. This capitalism system has some serious flaws, and sooner or later they come to haunt us.
But, there is no alternative. Communism should work in theory, but it's a total trainwreck in reality. Those with power and wealth always want more, and that's a huge part of the problem.
And I agree with what you said, that the teachers are grossly underpaid. It seems like going through college and high school just gets easier for every new generation, going for quantity over quality. There is a huge difference between memorising information and actually learning, understanding. And not a lot of teachers care if you learned to recite your answer, or you really know what you're talking about. I know a couple of people that study medicine, and judging by their stories, I already fear to go visit the next generation of doctors.
Anyway, this has absolutely nothing to do with Suns FA mini camp, but I thought it doesn't hurt to talk of this