elindholm said:
I say anything over a contract starting at $7 million per season is overpaying. That might even be too much.
Good grief yes. That's overpaying by a mile. I'm sorry, but there is absolutely no way that Johnson is worth "Erick Dampier money."
Johnson has shown that he is about an average-level starting SG when he's on. When he's off, he's way below average. Based on what they've accomplished so far in their careers, Richardson is the more accomplished player, and look at the contract he just got.
Johnson should get no more than $5 million to start. Knowing the Suns' propensity to overpay their own players as quickly as possible, I'm sure he'll get more. But if it's $6 million or above, I will consider it a serious error.
For heaven's sake, please let him prove something first!
I guess I would say that if they can get Joe Johnson for a contract starting at under $6 million that would be good. I won't be furious if it's a little bit higher, but it's probably a mistake.
The differences between Dampier and JJ are many. Dampier's advantage is his size. JJ is young, versatile,
healthy as a horse, and he has the potential to get even better. IMO we have seen the very best that Erick Dampier will play. Still, I wouldn't be opposed to signing a center like Dampier to a contract of $8-9 million, but it certainly wouldn't go six years. It would be a four-year deal at the longest.
I would agree that when JJ is off he is a below average shooting guard. Of course you can say the same thing about virtually every other shooting guard in the NBA. When he's "on" JJ is much above average. I would consider him a very good shooting guard at that point. He wouldn't be "elite", but he's very good.
If JJ was a restricted free agent this summer I believe he would be getting offers at around $6-7 million for the first year. Richardson is a reasonable comparison, but there are also big differences between these guys. First of all JJ is a better defender, ball handler, and creator. Richardson is a better rebounder. That's about it. Given the choice I would take JJ over Richardson without even giving it a second thought.
elindholm said:
One useful comparison is Corey Maggette, who is a similar player with slightly better overall numbers. Maggette's new contract started at $5.6 million last season.
that would be a good comparison except that based on the season in JJ just had versus Corey Maggette's 2002-03 season in JJ would still probably get a little more. Also, it would be difficult to compare last season's free-agent market because players this summer have been getting more money.
Again, I would say a contract starting at around $6 million is good while much more is a mistake. There is also a decent chance that JJ is going to agree to a reasonable extension if he and his agent believe that he wouldn't get as much after a lockout or renegotiation of the CBA.
scotsman13 said:
jj contract will start at around 7 million per year. as a player who has an all round game and and can creat his on shot and hit clutch shots it wont be for anything less.
clutch shots? Hitting one or two clutch shots for a bad team does not make someone a clutch player. This is worse than when people keep saying that Shawn Marion is worth a maximum contract because he is an all-star.
Joe Mama