If anybody has the chance of picking up the first season, definitely do it, this show is great. Part of its problem is that it gets a bad rap simply because it's on The CW, which isn't as bad as people like to make you think it is.
It was co-created by Kim Manners, who is a big-time veteran of the X-Files. Which is no surprise there--only 2 main characters, very supernatural feel to it. It mostly has to do with legends, poltergeists, ghosts, demons, you name it. Much more "hit you over the head" than the X-Files, which was vague in a lot of its stuff. This is by and large still an "investigation" show, but the monsters are definitely real, where in The X-Files, a lot of it was implied.
I have yet to see much of Season 2, but Season 1 is nothing short of brilliant--many people I've talked to say that it is much better than most of the Smallville stuff that's being broadcast now.