Anyone still watching? Russell is the best he made a great move last night just to totally blindside someone that way will be remembered! Too funny, sure he will be a huge target now but whats new? Great episode!
Anyone still watching? Russell is the best he made a great move last night just to totally blindside someone that way will be remembered! Too funny, sure he will be a huge target now but whats new? Great episode!
The look on Rob's face was priceless...
I have been cheering Russell on. He is the best player ever on survivor. Rob is second but its not really close.
Im also pulling for coach. As Dems said if he won it would be hysterical to see him react. I hope he tags Jerry too.
Does Russell have a target on his back? Maybe.... I think the numbers will now be 4 to 4.
Sandra, Rob, Geri, Courtney? vs. Russell, Parvati, Coach, & Danielle
How can Coach NOT change over to Russell's side with that sort of honorable display??
And Coach could convince Geri to join them... Seems like the Villians are going to be a ton of fun to watch next week.
Rob's words... "This is the big leagues"...... Then his dumbfounded look..... PRICELESS!
Dude.... Coach plays up the honor thing all the time. And I don't think he is the follower you think he is.Coach is in love with Geri he doesnt switch unless she does as well.
Did you see Russell call Coach "Little man" after the vote lol
The funny thing is that the Hero's think they know what is going on but actually have zero clue.
Sandra looked at him and kind of bit her lip to stop herself from laughing.