marathon_mom said:
Thought the fishing part was cool. Those Palauans sure don't miss a meal, do they? lol. Wish I could see CQ drink some of their RUM. LMAO.
Good times. Should start getting interesting...
Finally the fishing thing that I've been saying for years watching this show and especially this year since they show birds diving on fish every morning just off the beach.
Any fisherman can tell you that in that situation what you ought to do is find worms or snails(I think that's what they used last night), bait the small hooks, use it to catch bait, and then use the bait to catch bigger fish. NOt sure why the fished for bait they way they did, if they just found a piece of wood or something small (pingpong ball size) that floated they could have made a bobber and had the worm or snail bits below that, much easier to catch small bait that way on a handline the bobber will carry the hook out with the tide.
The spear approach works great if you have good size fish in water you can snorkel and have someone like Rupert who can do it, but it's quite easy in that setup to catch food using bait.
I would have like to get a better look at the first fish Tom caught, the inital shot of it made it look quite a bit like that poisonous fish(stonefish?) but I guess it's safe to assume it wasn't since Tom handled it and they ate it.
Stephenie really is amazing, did you notice how much darker she was than anybody else? I guess either her beach had a lot more exposure to the sun, or she's just out in it a lot more working while Koror was sitting in the hammock.
I do worry she'll get voted off because she's so good.