Originally posted by Crimson Warrior
Did K2 go to third WR spot in college on third down?
Maybe we take him, if we didn't need defense. But, we do, and, K2 wont be the best bpa at 3 or even in the top 10. Also, Freddie Jones is above average at TE so its not like its a glaring position of need. K2 at #3 (or in the top ten) is not a horrible thought, but...
No knock on the (co)caines wally, I'm pulling hard for us to take the Miami SS.
Yes K2 did go to 3rd WR on 3rd down. They would flex him wide and also keep him in on 3rd and short. That is evidence of flexibility. Now I can't take all of the credit for pumping up Winslow II. If any of the older fans remember Jim Mandich and Joe Rose, as members of the Miami Dolphins as TEs, then you might take what they say as insight . They are both South Florida broadcasters. Mandich does the Dolphin radio broadcasts as the game analyst and does a QAM sports talk show. Joe Rose , ex Dolphin TE is a local NBC TV sports segment host and QAM sports talk radio host. They both love the guy. They both say he is a sure fire all pro. They both say he has the personality the PROS love. and they both pump up his flexibility and cast off the negative aspersions. They have both suggested that his ability to flex on 3rd downs has Pro scouts drooling.
For what it is worth to people with preconceived opinions based on ESPN sound bytes.