Originally posted by deployed fan
Is that sarcasm or did he make it and get a bad spot???
Originally posted by Shane H
You could tell by the push that he easily got the necessary two inches IMO!
But the ref actually spotted making him lose about 6 inches!
Originally posted by jmt
Terrible - but it comes with the territory. Who do you expect to get the call - the Arizona Cardinals or the Steel Curtain?
Originally posted by CaliforniaCard
The spot was correct. By the time Blake takes the snap he is 3 feet off the marker, and it looked like he slipped on the sneak.
It sucked, but the spot was fine.
Originally posted by Ryanwb
Stout, did you represent today or what? You are still drunk or did the effects of the loss have a sobering effect. (Did you shave the beard or what)