We need to earn those stripes and prove to Florio we are improving for real
These rankings are not a prediction of how teams will finish the 2024 season. Instead, the following list is a snapshot of where the NFL’s teams currently are. (Will that stop people from interpreting these ranking as a prediction of how teams will finish the 2024 season? Nope.)
30. Cardinals: Let’s see what they can do with a healthy Kyler Murray.
We need to earn those stripes and prove to Florio we are improving for real
PFT's 2024 Pre-Camp Power Rankings
It's never too early for a meaningless list of the NFL's 32 teams.
These rankings are not a prediction of how teams will finish the 2024 season. Instead, the following list is a snapshot of where the NFL’s teams currently are. (Will that stop people from interpreting these ranking as a prediction of how teams will finish the 2024 season? Nope.)
30. Cardinals: Let’s see what they can do with a healthy Kyler Murray.