KingofCards said:I think we are the only ones watching it.
I thought it was cool that team won free gas for life. My wife said that was better than winning the million.
It could be.
I am enjoying this US trip. The bus ride to the "mystery location", mud bogging ) ? ) pulling the heads of a really big pile of shrimp, spinning at 3 gs? Good stuff.
I have to agree with your wife GAS for LIFE, even from Arco, worth way more than the million --- those daughters seem to have many more years of driving ahead of them.
Last night I lost my little band of father/sons-in-laws who were gracious under elimination. I was also able to take the Brooklynites without a cringe; moving the Jesus praising mama and her band of whiney brats into position my least favorite team. Not that I have anything against Jesus and/or praising but I’m pretty sure the maker and his son have better things to watch over than who wins the Amazing Race.