Can we stop pretending like Football Outsiders is anything other than just another football opinion site? You can bend statistics to prove whatever opinion you are trying to report.
They were way off last year and they will be again:
Here are some of your "Derp derp we are the smartest in football" classics:
So they literally got only 2 NFC playoff teams right out of 6. Yes, the website that everyone is quoting for whom will make the playoffs only got 33% right.
How about some of their writers and what they thought:
(finished 5-11)
(Finished 6-10)
Here this guy admits their own statistics are basically dumb and Detroit will be better but picks the 6-10 Giants anyway
This guy picks the Steelers and the Cardinals. (Combined 22-10)
And it keeps going. Like 5 of them picked the 9-7 Buffalo Bills to underperform.
This is a group of dudes on the internet just espousing their own bias and using whatever stats they can find to back them up.
I can't take seriously ANY opinion that quotes a website that collectively missed on 67% of their NFC playoff picks as an accurate NFC playoff pick predictor. In fact, we should be joyous that they didn't pick us.