Bills, your rant makes no sense.
Yes, the organization WOULD have begged you to buy 20 seats 6 years ago....BBBBBUTTTT ya didnt.
also, I think this team does appreciate its loyal fans VERY much. We just got our invoice and it said the prices for our section did not go up. Also I thought the DVD they sent out last offseason was nice, and I expect the next one to be coming in the mail soon after the draft.
quit whining cause you wanna make a cheap buck off the team but you waited too long
Whether I wanted the extra tickets for family members, give to charity, bandwagon friends, or sell second hand is irrelevant to the original post. Frankly, I'd keep them and give them to other family members/friends. But, I guarantee you a large chunk of those on the wait list will sell them for second hand profit. I'm a fan and have been since day 1 when they moved here.
I would just switch the address
I am assuming you and your father share the same last name
and even if you dont share the same last name -- the mail goes by the address, not the name
We asked about that, but any change to the actual name on the acct resets the seniority back to zero. Anything else can change except the name.
Every organization does this... The Boston Red Sox has people will their tickets to people after their death. They lose their seniority, but it doesn't matter because they can likely never get a better seat. Same thing with the Packers which has a 30 year waiting list.
Sporting events are traditionally family events and the tickets are passed on through the generations. The teams always talk about traditions, so why is maintaining a family tradition and keeping the seniority such a bad thing for me to comment on?
I fully agree that if they were passed on to someone outside the family name they should be reset, but if the family name remains the same why shouldn't the seniority stay? Just my .02.
Thats weird because I just went in there and switched my families tickets into my name and they let me keep my senority and I actually added on 25 more seats so that when we get into the playoffs I can sell them for a huge profit..........
The ability of several of you to blow the whole original post out of context is amazing. I commend you on that. If I didn't know otherwise, I'd think you were in the media or have a potential career there.
Add your name to the account this year. My account is in the name of my father and me (originally, we had two individual accounts for one seat each), and if he ever decides he wants to give up his seat, I'll just remove his name.
We wanted to - have both our names, but the TO said that would reset the seniority to zero because it's altering the name. I just think it's a silly policy.
Devil's Advocate on adding seats: let's say a scalper has a 6 seat block but wants to add four more to increase his profits. Should he get priority over a fan who actually wants to go to the games every week? Of course not! Pay your deposit. You may not get the seats you want this year, but you'll be on the list.
I understand the wait list policy, but it's not about making an extra profit as some knuckleheads may think. I may still jump on the wait list or wait until the next downturn when the band wagoners jump ship and tickets become readily available.
Email address: not many account systems allow for multiple email addresses. If this is really important to you, go to your dad's house, and add an automatic forwarding rule to his email software so that any emails from the Cardinals get forwarded to you automatically.
There are more that do allow alternate emails than don't. Banks, Credit Cards, list serves, etc. Especially now with so many ppl using their cell phones for email. But yes, I did set his email up to forward to me automatically when received.
The reason I brought the email up is because they were out of town when the SB lottery notification came. The only way I found out about it was by this forum.
Losing seniority? That one actually surprises me given that you are his son. Try talking to a different person to see if that's a rule that's subject to interpretation.
I will. And Micheal strolls up/down the isle we sit in so I'll mention it to him next season.
That's about it for this thread.