Happened in our section yesterday. Fans kicked out...Cards fans fighting with Cards fans..."I can't see."
On top of everything else I have stated in this thread, I'll also add that in general, the type of "fan" I see at Cards games as opposed to the fans I was accustomed to seeing back in NY, is akin to going from watching an Allstar game to single A ball... BTW - this isn't directed at anyone on this board as I believe you guys are amazinginly loyal and well-versed fans!
I've gotten used to it now, however, I was initially blown away by how un-involved supposed "fans" were with the team... heck, even the game of Football itself! IMHO, they were (are?) there for 2 reasons and 2 reasons only - Get massively drunk and pick fights... They didn't know half the teams' players... didn't know the rules of the game... didn't know when it was appropriate to scream and yell and when to shut the hell up...
It's unfair for me to compare my experiences as a NY sports fan to what I have seen here in AZ (and truthfully, this only applies to the Cardinals as, my experiences at Dbacks, Suns and Coyotes games are not like this), as NY fans are deadly serious about the X's and O's and everything in between... Don't get me wrong - at Giants and Jets games there are always great tailgates going on. However, fools tend to get weeded out pretty quickly, whereas, at Cardinal games, I tend to see the same fools or the same foolish behavior over and over again...