M. Knight makes movies about slightly flawed people challenged by the unknown. He (properly) focuses on the people and the challenge and uses the unknown as the backdrop. Unfortunately, he tries too hard at the storytelling some of the time, but I always appreciate his movies in the sense that he's telling stories and not trying to throw up some eye candy under the guise of making movies.
Thats why I tend to like his movies. Story driven rather then gore, special effects, or artsy driven like most movies these days. They are also usually original and not the tired same plots that keep being recycled.
The only one I didnt like was the Village. It just seemed like the actors mailed in for that movie, and Knight fell into his own hype trying to give everyone a twist rather then an actual story. Lady in the Water was an actual story with an actual plot, with great actors.
I will still probably wait for The Happening on DVD. Wahlberg is not a favorite actor of mine and is pretty low on my list.