I listen to a LOT of ESPN news and it seems as if these guys are all reading from the same cue card.
What are your thoughts on Kobe tossing out Shaq’s escapades to the press to take some pressure off of him? I think that was not a wise move.
Kobe was stupid to do that, but to be clear he didn't toss them out to the press. He mentioned that to the cops. The cops put that out to the press about 6 months later. BIG difference (although the cops talked to Shaq during the investigation, and this was the root of the Shaq/Kobe crap that year during training camp). Any route, it was stupid because what are the cops going to do? Say "Oh, Shaq pays women to keep them quiet about sex? Well go on home then, Kobe. " Still the dumbest thing Kobe did was talk to the cops without a lawyer the whole time.
But there has been zero love between Kobe and Shaq from day one and that came from Shaq to Kobe, not the other way around.