Pay no mind to this guy, that's what he loves to do...Even if facts play no part.
Try learning to read it might help I have my "facts" right.
"never made it "
past" the second round"
Only reason he started this thread was because of me. He thought it was a sure fire way to get a rile out of me.
Never said your name tell you came in only after your team was up big than ran than came back after they won. Joe L at 3-1 to J. lo at 3-3.
When was the last time a Clippers thread was ever started here? Thank you!
I have talked about every team in both threads good and bad. I siad the Paperclipps would win round one and when was the last time the PaperClipps did anything, this is a run at history.
This is where he will spend most of his time, in the SMACK shack.
How would you know you clame to almost never be here in the offseason and I just started posting here "full-time".
trolling. Only reason he started this thread
I'm a Troll? Your the one they call a troll. I would not call me that if I was you. Plus just look at the title of this section and don't get your panties in a bunch it's called the Smack Shack for a reason. If it bothers you I suggest you don't post in it. But make no mistake smack talk in a smack forum is not trolling.
Welcome LACardsJoe. There was a troll around here with an eerily similar name as yours.
We had a guy with the same name over here that I believe got banned. If LaCardsJoe is lacardsjoe67 that used to post here thats cool I believe in second chances. I also believe in having the ignore button at the ready.
That would be you and that's a "FACT"!