And he didn't want to do the work. That he was only 23 is absolutely no excuse. Kyler was a huge part of the problem, too.
Stout, man, you don't know how much work he did or didn't do! You're coming dangerously close to re-writing history with all of your diatribes!
Kyler was playing his @ss off through 2019, 2020, and 2021! OROY, two pro-bowls, all the "first time in NFL history" stats, etc! blah blah blah It's all been rehashed a million times.
The train went off the tracks at the end of both 2020 and 2021, that's true, and part of it is on him, no doubt. 2022 was not good. Not acceptable.
How much of it is on him is impossible to say though, and I really wish you would get off the guy's back a little, and not act like he's been stinking up the field during his entire time here! He's trying!
But whatever. I understand the only way he's going to change your opinion (and you're not alone in doubting him of course) is by lighting it up on the field.
That's fine! That's real life.
I'm confident he's going to play great this year. I think he'll be in the MVP conversation, and I think he's a dark horse to win it!
It's possible he'll start a little slow while the new offensive personnel settle in. But worst case scenario is by game four or five, he's playing like a top QB, and only getting better from there (assuming we stay relatively healthy on that side of the ball).
But hopefully today the offense comes out guns blazing! It won't surprise me one bit if we put up 31 or 35 points today, with K1 leading the charge!
So have beer, put on your black K1 jersey, and get ready to be entertained!