Thoughts before Camp!


Apr 30, 2003
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Wow! What a craptacular week. Starts with getting lyme's disease, and ends with full scale exhaustion, and self-stupidiy (more then usual I might add).

Any way, it is Friday morning I am off from work today (I work 9 days every two weeks at "10hrs" a clip, usually longer than that but I digress, I need no sympathy and that is not the point, just happy to talk football today......), it is time to talk about football. Always nice to have some generic, exciting yet bland, subject that is not serious, and fun to talk about. Great way to relax, and forget the challenges (which is not a bad thing, btw) the life likes to throw at you. Thus excuse the poor grammar, and spelling, not 100% on my game today.

Camp starts Tuesday I believe, 7/24 ?

Why not one more breakdown for the sake of just talking about the exciting and vastly uncertain season that lay ahead of this organization, and the fans.

I warn you all these, are MY OPINIONS, on certain subjects, the "factual-ness" of said statements are in the eye of the reader. There will be plenty of "WTF is this guy talking about" said at computer screens. Arm yourselves with an arsenal of smilies and biting sarcasm.

First off when it comes to camp. I am starring at the roster, and looking at it real hard every day. Yet, the final 53 are almost set already. It is not like this team is void of talent, there is just something missing here, and missing there, and missing at QB. There are very few places for competition right now. I hope that means this camp is all about the future, cause that is where this organization needs to be. If we don't obtain some youth on the offensive line, or at linebacker this organization is in big time trouble.


Kind of tired of our Head Coach when it comes to how he handles the offense. I like Whiz as a manager of the team. When he is not calling plays, and focusing on the overall organization of the team, and staff, I think he shows a strength that not many people have. As a major part of the offense, and there is no doubt Whiz is a major voice in the offensive system, in my opinion, and assuming from what I see, he surrounds himself with too many "yes men" who all agree on what should be done, and who should be playing. It is not working. This is a complete assumption, but I cannot see Miller or Grimm butting heads with Whiz, like a Kurt Warner, or Haley would do. Bringing up Warner, I don't see a QB that is going to question the head coach either. We are 5 seasons into this run with Whiz, and the offensive line is still not even close to a NFL caliber line, it lacks youth, and ability. I will say the tight end group is better, the running backs are a little better, but that is it. We lack a QB, and our receiver core is Larry Fitzgerald, with players to be named later (tip of the hat to Shane's guy - Andre Roberts). Two years ago, Whiz made me wake up from the dream of watching a successful football team, the obvious warts on those successful teams became reality, and I have lost my trust with Whiz on many, many things. In my opinion, he is not doing half of the job the hype around him gives him.

Then comes Ray Horton. The guy knows who he wants, what he wants, and then based on his players ability he fits schemes around his talent. Not the other way around. If players can't grasp or physically do a requirement of his system then he throw out the play, or system. No forcing the square peg in the round hole, he just moves on to the next idea. He took an aging Adrian Wilson and revived his career. Took Calias Campbell and got him playing at the next level. He got production out of his OLB'ers, and was able to put together a defensive back field that consisted of a has been in Richard Marshall, a never was in Rashad Johnson, and a rookie conerback. Not to mention zero depth at the position during the year. There is no denying, when you see success. Horton has so far, been very successful with putting together his system, and doing so very very quickly. It is tough to talk about how well Horton has come along because the very real fear of him leaving this organization is always in the back of my mind. I only half joke when I say that I would fire Whiz to save Horton.

I still think Whiz has A LOT to prove with his ability to put together and offense. He has proved to me he can run an entire team, and get a routine together that players can by into, but has for his specialty, the offense, it is not up to par. As for Horton, I am just excited for what we will have this team doing next.

The competition is wide open, and let the best man win. That is it. We all must learn from 2008. Whomever is the best player at said position, should be the guy. John Skelton (aka Double Deuce) is always going to be the guy I want behind center, but I must be honest in the fact the both QB's are not very good at this moment. Skelton has great, great ability to be clutch, and to comeback in games, but HOOOOWWEEEEEE, he can really suck in the beginning of games. Kolb......I have said my piece about Kolb, IMO, he is not the answer.

Yet, they will compete, and if we find a "Dilfer-type-QB" that can manage the offense, and keep turnovers/sacks to a minimum then, IMO the Cardinals have what they need to be competitive. If one of the two step up, and get to that Flacco, Shaub, Fitzgerald type level, then so much the better.
It will be all for naught tho. The Cardinals have to be looking to upgrade the QB position regardless of Kolb's HUGE salary at some point in the very near future.
This year it is, what it is. Find the best player, and he will be starting. IMO, it will be Kolb to start the year, and I don't see it going any other way. Skelton needs a Kurt Warner type of surge to unseat Kolb, and I don't think Skelton has that in him right now. But, as I have said before, with the offensive line we have, we are going to need both QB's. Actually, after typing that I realized we will need both QB's and Rich Bartel's phone number.

Running Back:

Again, another position of nebulous uncertainty. Wells was battered, and Williams was broken last year. I thought Wells played very well for this team. Not only that, by year's end I was turning on the game to watch him play. Ladies and Gentlemen, in any sport, the more you get hit, the more it effects you. I do not care if you are a world class athlete. Every hit makes you a little less aggressive, a little slower, a little weaker, etc., etc. If we played Madden on a video game system, and after every play where I made a "big hit" I hit you across the back with a bat, by halftime you would be having your players dive on the ground before getting tackled.

My point ? A Chris Wells 2 yard run last year, was 2 yard, and a lot of pain for the poor LB'er or DB that had to tackle the man. Wells CRUSHED some players last year. Yeah the highlight from the Vikings game was great but he had some inside the tackles runs that were just vicious.

Yet, how long does Wells last as a power running how seems to get dinged a lot ? I dunno but he needs some help. Ryan Williams, aka the greatest running back you never saw is coming back. Color me skeptical about a 2nd round pick who already has had major surgery on a knee. A back whose big part of his game is cutting on that knee. Plus he is virtually a rookie this year. This is a HUGE risk for the Cardinals, IMO. If Williams shows something he could have a big year, and benefit from Wells' running style. It would suck for Wells' numbers, but Wells pounding the line, and then sending Williams in could set up some big runs for Williams. But, please, to all fans, respect the team aspect of the game. It is Wells' thunder that sets up the lightning.

As for LSH, and Antonio Smith. I like both backs. They have their role, and IMO, are excellent fits for both roles on the team. While Smith is not much of a story, he just has to keep doing what he has done for this team. LSH is a little more of a story. With kick returns becoming a non-factor, and Ryan Williams being close to the type of back LSH is, as much as I thing LSH is a great player for this team, is he important enough to spend a lot of money on after this season ? I don't know, but based on what you read about LSH, he knows his situation, and is one of those players, I am looking to see have a "break out season". I just would not be surprised to see LSH bring more to the table then he ever has this year.

Anthony Sherman. He is like that co-worker, or employee that just comes to work does his job, does it well, and goes home. Under appreciated, but doesn't care. I couldn't be happier with his play. No one is taking his spot, and the only question is who is going to be the back-up. Unless Martell Webb wows at camp, I would say Dray will be his backup again.

Tight End:
Rob Housler, is the best thing since Bryant Johnson. Mark me as one of the people that doesn't see what the rest see in Rob Housler. I will be rooting to be wrong, but I don't see this great coming out year for Housler, I just don't see it. He plays small for his size, his hands are questionable, and all that speed don't mean jack if you can get the ball, and break out of some contact. Not to mention his blocking is questionable. If Housler breaks out, it won't be this year, IMO, if ever.

That leads me to my guy! Jeff King. Please, Cardinals, please. Just start him. Do the right thing and start Jeff King, every game. The guy blocks better than any TE we have had in 10 years, maybe more. He can get the job done as a receiver. He is smart, and does all the standard things you need from a TE. He is not that offensive nightmare match up weapon that is the new trend in the NFL, but neither is he Fred Wakefield. Like Anthony Sherman, you plug him in and forget it, because he can be trusted to do his job, and do it well.

Todd Heap is an expensive novelty at this point. I have no problem having him on the team, and taking whatever production he can provide. Yet, he is not a needed player, and what happens to him this season, is of no real concern, IMO. Drop him, trade him, keep him, it don't matter. And Jim Dray ? Though I was excited about Martel Webb for his size, speed, and hands. Are we really going to take him instead of Jim Dray who can play TE, FB, and long snap in a pinch ? I don't think you get rid of a versitile player like that.

Wide Reciever:
Fitz = Cardinals.

How this receiving core has fallen. Floyd, Roberts, Doucet, and misc. At one point it was Fitzgerald, Boldin, Breaston, Doucet, and misc. Floyd is exactly what I think this offense needed. In my opinion, he is never going to be a 1st round talent. I don't see it in his mindset, or his skill set. But, to make this offense he does not have to be that type of guy. I absolutely hate watching Andre Roberts, or Doucet playing on the outside as a WR, and watch them suffer to get off the line. Watch them try to create space without the quickness, size or power to create it. Floyd will come in and be that second option to move the chains. He can use his power, and body to create space and "be open when covered". Yet, it is not a 100% certainty. The big question is if this guy's hands are NFL quality. If they are he may not have big numbers this year, but he will have big plays.

Roberts, and Doucet move inside to the slot positions, where they go from average to dangerous. Wes Welker makes a living on playing the slot, and using the space he is given to shred ankle ligaments, and drive teams crazy. Neither Doucet or Roberts are in Welker's league, but they are effective, and can break a big play if they are not respected.

The 5th spot, is a ho-hum player. I like my hometown guy is Isiah Williams, but who gets the spot is going to be interesting. There are a lot of bodies at WR and one open spot, barring injury. Plus if Housler does the unexpected, he would be the psuedo 5th WR, and give our empty backfield a little more versitilty. We will see.

Yet, I exepect this WR core to be better as a team, they will have lesser individual numbers, but more success at a full unit because they are more balanced, IMO.

Offensive Line

#1 - it is not easy to put together an offensive line in the NFL. That is understood, and it is getting harder by the year (but that is a story for another day). Do all the reading, research, and thinking about this situation you want. Many on this board spend too much time thinking about this situation. But, why wouldn't we ? Seriously, the offensive line situation in Arizona is like Briggs & Stratton motors in my yard. For some reason, they just will not work like they are supposed to.

Levi Brown, Adam Snyder, Jeremy Bridges. Those are liabilities. Daryn Colledge, and Lyle Sendlien are players that could succeed but need others to shoulder most of the job, role players, "weak links on a good line". Expect more of the same from this offensive line. I don't buy into continuity when you are trying to make talent that is not good enough work. It is like planning to build the most perfect structure that weighs 1000 pounds, on a base that can only hold 800 pounds, and expecting to build on it. It won't work.

I was excited after the draft this year, and still want to be excited after the draft this year. But, I remember the last time we drafted some offensive linemen, and I was excited about it. It didn't last long. Herman Johnson ? Gone. Brandon Keith ? Gone. Russ Grimm head coaching prospects ? Gone. It has been a train wreck, and as much as I want to believe that Bobby Massie, Senio Kelemete, Nate Potter, and company show promise, I cannot get too excited because when was the last time this offensive staff found and played a good offensive lineman ? How well is Rex Hadnot doing these days ? I am hoping for the best, and expecting the worst.

Overall on Offense:
Case in point about our offense. What the heck is the focus ? Are we are run 1st team, past first team ? If we past so much, why do we have these huge tackles that can't move ? If we run so much, why do we have interior linemen that can't push the pile ? If we run so much, why are we relying on battered running backs ? If we pass so much, why are we relying on two QB's that can't carry the game on their backs ? IMO, there is no plan, it is just a mess.

Defensive Line
Ah, the defense! So much more fun to talk about, and there is less to say. Calais Campbell, Darnell Dockett, Dan Williams, David Carter, Nick Eason, and Vonnie Holliday. Where is the problem ? I don't see it. And that is your core going into next season, just look at the roster, there is NO ONE that has a chance, and there is barely any camp fodder at the position. I guess the one question is between Dan Williams and David Carter, but what is the question ? Who is going to start ? Who cares, they are both needed, and both can play well. That is to be celebrated, not lamented.

Daryl Washington is going to put the Cardinals in a very rough position. He is going to breakout this year. The guy is a perfect new age linebacker. Fast, quick, and smart. He can lay a hit, but he knows his game is not power. He plays with finesse, and brains. If he keeps improving he will start to get more attention outside the valley. Good for him, bad for the Cardinals and there wallet. Washington is one of the guys I am turning on the TV to watch this year.

Paris Lenon, Stewart Bradley, Reggie Walker, Quan Sturdivant, Paul Vassallo, Colin Parker, and Marcus McGraw. Bueller ? Anyone ? Anyone ? Paris Lenon who is the second coming of Ronald McKinnon does the job. But, with one more year left in the desert, it makes me nervous. No matter how much I want it to happen, I don't think Stewart Bradley will get back to where he was two years ago, in Philly. If that player ever shows up, man, what a difference in our defense. Bradley was big, strong, smart, a leader, everything you want in a SILB in a 3-4. But, what we see now is a player that has lost a step, lost confidence, and is in no shape to lead because he can't set the example he needs to. Not to mention Bradley has a big salary to his name. By this time next year Lenon and Bradley may be gone. That is where the excitement for this camp comes in. Reggie Walker, Quan Sturdivant, Paul Vassallo, Colin Parker, and Marcus McGraw, are they the answer ? Again, I am hoping for the best and expecting the worse. One of the guys I will be rooting for, just because I like his play, and size is Paul Vassallo, so I will enjoy that little dream until he is cut, LOL.

At outside linebacker, I am very happy with what we have. I have a lot of confidence in Sam Acho, and O'Brien Schofield as pass rushers. Where my confidence in Schofield against the run starts to wane, Clark Haggans being a part of the core helps regain confidence in the core. Pass rushers are a rare talent, and even marginal talent (see Kamerion Wimbley) is very expensive. It is tough to find depth. Yet, that Cardinals have done a good job, IMO, in finding some prospects. Quetin Groves, and Antonio Coleman have played in the NFL before, and Brandon Williams has shown enough promise to stick around. They won't show too much, IMO, and probably will never be starters but for sifting through the pile of low-tier pass rushing prospect, I like who they brought into camp. You can never have too many pass rushing prospects So while depth is a concern, it will always be a concern, on any team, IMO. So, again, I am good with our OLB'ers for the first time in a long, long time.

Defensive Backfield:
The confidence and excitement that I want to have in the offensive line is what I do have in the secondary for this organization. I am excited about bringing William Gay, Jamell Flemming, and Justin Bethel. I think Greg Toler is going to come back and play well, and I think Kerry Rhodes has had enough of hearing constant negativity surrounding his name.

I can't help to be excited for what we have in Patrick Peterson, the resurgence of Adrian Wilson, what we know Toler can do, what we know Rhodes can do, for what confidence we should have in Horton bringing in Williams Gay, what has been put in print about Flemming's ability, the improvement in Rashad Johnson, and the promise that is Justin Bethel. That is not even bringing into the fact you still have James Sanders, Michael Adams, AJ Jefferson, and Crezdon Butler in camp. There seems to be a good balance in the secondary. A lot of opportunity for a lot of players to play a role and be effective. A good mix youth and experience. Plus they can all tackle! I think that this unit, more than any other will provide the most surprises when it comes to who is on the roster at the end of camp, and who plays where.

Overall Defense:
"I want big guys that can run, and small guys that can hit." In one season, Horton has what he wants. Granted I bet he would like some upgrades in some positions, but all in all he definitely has what he needs. He has a plan, he knows what he wants and needs at each position, and has done what he needs to get players in those positions. After all that, he understands what each player brings to the table, and then sets them up in positions where they can use there strengths out on the field and produce. It is almost the opposite of what we have seen year after year for the Cardinals offense.

Special Teams:

I just don't know. Maybe I am wrong, but the opportunity for the Cardinals to make this an asset was wasted this offseason. The Cardinals have a very good core of special teams players. They are fast, athletic, and play very hard. I think we will all be disapointed this year every time a FG is not blocked, LOL. But, it will be in kickers heads this year, I am sure of that. A lot of players known for blocking kicks will be out there.

Peterson, and LSH are good at their trade, even thought the new rules really take LSH and his kickoff returns out of the game. But, that makes Peterson's abilities in the punt return game even more valuable.

Taking the long snapper out of the conversation, our punter is awful, and is a big problem that I have from last year. Seriously ? With the advantage this team COULD HAVE HAD in the 3rd part of the game of football the Cardinals decide to take what could have been a strength and make it a weakness. Ugh. Just Ugh. I hope, we find some vast luck, and some how find a better punter. Feely is fine, but an upgrade is needed, IMO. Really, what is comes down to is an upgrade at punter could really help a team like the Cardinals, and there no offense, big defense setup they have going into the season.

Well, that was fun. Just re-hashing the obvious, I know that, but it was relaxing and gives something to read, and discuss (hopefully) before camp. I must admit, I am looking forward to football this year. Getting ready for fantasy football drafts, and the pre-season games. The promise of a new season, etc., etc.

As for the Cardinals. I don't know. They could easily go 3-13, the could easily go 8-8, and with some luck, and some things "working out as planned" they could win the division and get 10 wins. We will see! Can't Wait!
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Supporting Member
May 13, 2002
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Chandler, Az
Offensive Line

#1 - it is not easy to put together an offensive line in the NFL. That is understood, and it is getting harder by the year (but that is a story for another day). Do all the reading, research, and thinking about this situation you want. Many on this board spend too much time thinking about this situation. But, why wouldn't we ? Seriously, the offensive line situation in Arizona is like Briggs & Stratton motors in my yard. For some reason, they just will not work like they are supposed to.

Levi Brown, Adam Snyder, Jeff Bridges. Those are liabilities. Daryn Colledge, and Lyle Sendlien are players that could succeed but need others to shoulder most of the job, role players, "weak links on a good line". Expect more of the same from this offensive line. I don't buy into continuity when you are trying to make talent that is not good enough work. It is like planning to build the most perfect structure that weighs 1000 pounds, on a base that can only hold 800 pounds, and expecting to build on it. It won't work.

Jeff Bridges. :D


Aug 14, 2006
Reaction score
Great work-up Muffin. I am one of the people who agree with your assessment of our coaching staff. I too feel that Whiz is a good manager of the team, but is not so good at producing an offense. I still feel that our O is disjointed and without direction and focus. Despite his reliance on Grimm, he gets no real support from him so far as working to make our offensive efforts gell, and assist each other, instead of being fragmented and operating independently from each other. Horton's influence in the D, however, has really cemented the efforts to compliment each other. I can't hardly wait to see how well our D performs this year.

For some reason, I am holding off on giving up on our O line. Maybe it is just false hope, but I would like to wait and see if we might have gained something in Levi with his reworked contract, and the late improvement last year. I am not going to badmouth Bridges just yet either, as he seemed to play pretty well in relief of Keith last year. Many on this board feel that was just because Keith was so bad, but if that is the case, then coaching failed us for starting Keith over Bridges to begin with. I would like to see how this unit plays together before I pass judgement on them. Snyder is an unknown at this point, being the weakest link in the SF O-line. That doesn't automatically make him the weakest in ours in my opinion. He may surprise some of us.

I too am concerned about our RB situation. It bothers me that Beanie has not been present in workouts as of yet. I am also concerned about Williams' ability to cut on his newly repaired knee. It seems to me that we are putting a lot of trust in two people who have not yet shown that they can stay healthy. I do respect that a (hurt) Beanie still did very well for us last year, but I wonder if we will ever see a special year out of him. Williams, is yet unproven at this level, though he would seem to be a perfect compliment to Beanie if he can play healthy.

I am really hoping for Kolb to find success in our offense this year. If so, he should be able to get to ball to any number of open receivers, as our situation looks good with the number of WR's and TE's available to throw to. In any event, having more snaps in pre-season this year, should help Skelton to improve over last year, and he should be a very solid back-up to Kolb. I am intrigued by what Lindley might bring to the party.

So far as out D is concerned, I am about frantic to see them get into action for real this year. I have always loved defensive football, and Horton's ability to analyze his personnel, then find a place for them to excell, has been proven to be very sound so far. I can't wait to see how this new bunch responds to his teachings and his schemes. Could we be possibly be ready to actually see a top 5-10 defense in the desert this year? That would really float my boat.


Jun 10, 2002
Reaction score
I too feel that Whiz is a good manager of the team, but is not so good at producing an offense. I still feel that our O is disjointed and without direction and focus. Despite his reliance on Grimm, he gets no real support from him so far as working to make our offensive efforts gell, and assist each other, instead of being fragmented and operating independently from each other. Horton's influence in the D, however, has really cemented the efforts to compliment each other. I can't hardly wait to see how well our D performs this year.

Remember it took 5 years for CKW to produce even a semblance of a decent Defense so I wouldn't give up on getting the offense back on track just yet. However, the continued failures at QB sure give you cause for concern.

We sure have won a lot more games with him as Head Coach than was normal for the Arizona Cardinals. Hard to believe he's won 8 or more games twice as many times as all the other Arizona Cardinal Head Coaches combined.

Is there really any truth to the rumor that when the Cards first moved to Phoenix the City a huge banner of the Henry Ford movie Welcome to Hard Times on the side of Sun Devil Stadium?
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Klowned by Keim
Feb 14, 2003
Reaction score
Gilbert, AZ
Numerous typos notwithstanding, Rugby, I--as always--love your passion for this team.

Dirty little secret: Daryl Washington and Paris Lenon were nearly identical last year in every statistical category except defeats. That's why Lenon hasn't lost his job and why Daryl Washington has a ways to go before he's identified as one of the top inside linebackers in the NFL.


Comin for you!
Super Moderator
Supporting Member
May 13, 2002
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Las Vegas
Numerous typos notwithstanding, Rugby, I--as always--love your passion for this team.

Dirty little secret: Daryl Washington and Paris Lenon were nearly identical last year in every statistical category except defeats. That's why Lenon hasn't lost his job and why Daryl Washington has a ways to go before he's identified as one of the top inside linebackers in the NFL.

Daryl had more tackles more sacks more int's and unless you can correct I'm betting he had quite a few more tackles behind LOS. Hardly "nearly identicle"

Washington just watching the games is clearly a better payer than Lenon and all season by several different NFL announcers was referred to as a budding star.

You are just determined to downgrade him aren't you?


Oct 10, 2011
Reaction score
"Okay sir, you're a Lebowski, I'm a Lebowski, that's terrific"

"So every time -I just want to understand this, sir- every time a quarterback is micturated upon in this fair city, I have to compensate the owner?"


Oct 10, 2011
Reaction score
Numerous typos notwithstanding, Rugby, I--as always--love your passion for this team.

Dirty little secret: Daryl Washington and Paris Lenon were nearly identical last year in every statistical category except defeats. That's why Lenon hasn't lost his job and why Daryl Washington has a ways to go before he's identified as one of the top inside linebackers in the NFL.

Even on plays where Washington didnt get tackle he regularly decimated the offenses run blocking scheme allowing someone else to make the tackle, especially on sweep plays. You dont see Lenon making those kinds of non-statistical impact.

And they had similar stats like my girlfriend looks like Natalie Portman... they both have the same amount of limbs. Washington had more tackles, more solo tackles, almost four times as many tackles for loss, 2 picks compared to 0, 5 sacks to 3, over double the pass deflections... I'd be interested to see QB hurries between the two of them also.
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Klowned by Keim
Feb 14, 2003
Reaction score
Gilbert, AZ
Even on plays where Washington didnt get tackle he regularly decimated the offenses run blocking scheme allowing someone else to make the tackle, especially on sweep plays. You dont see Lenon making those kinds of non-statistical impact.

And they had similar stats like my girlfriend looks like Natalie Portman... they both have the same amount of limbs. Washington had more tackles, more solo tackles, almost four times as many tackles for loss, 2 picks compared to 0, 5 sacks to 3, over double the pass deflections... I'd be interested to see QB hurries between the two of them also.

Those aren't my words, they're Football Outsiders'. If you have a problem with 'em, tweet at Brian McIntyre. :shrug:

Even dirtier secret: Washington still sucks in the run game. 80th in the league in Stop %, 70th in the league in yards. Considering that he was Top 10 in defeats, he gave up some BIG plays and jumped on a lot of piles. 64th in the league in Adjusted Yards in pass coverage.

There's still a lot of work to do for the young man. Announcers repeat that he's a rising star because that's what Media Relations and the coaching staff tell 'em. The next time that a production team wants to talk to Daryl Washington will be the first.


Captain of Team Murray
Jul 21, 2002
Reaction score
Orange County, CA
Those aren't my words, they're Football Outsiders'. If you have a problem with 'em, tweet at Brian McIntyre. :shrug:

Even dirtier secret: Washington still sucks in the run game. 80th in the league in Stop %, 70th in the league in yards. Considering that he was Top 10 in defeats, he gave up some BIG plays and jumped on a lot of piles. 64th in the league in Adjusted Yards in pass coverage.

There's still a lot of work to do for the young man. Announcers repeat that he's a rising star because that's what Media Relations and the coaching staff tell 'em. The next time that a production team wants to talk to Daryl Washington will be the first.

A lot of the passing yards he gave up came on the Greg Little reception against the Browns.

Your dislike of Daryl Washington knows no bounds. You'll look for every stat, every tidbit of information to confirm your bias against him during the draft and during his first season.

Sure he's still not great against the run, but he makes plays and is a force rushing the passer. Certainly one of the better LBs in all of football, and he still has lots of upside.

Not exactly Paris Lenon.

Crazy Canuck

May 14, 2002
Reaction score
Those aren't my words, they're Football Outsiders'. If you have a problem with 'em, tweet at Brian McIntyre. :shrug:

Even dirtier secret: Washington still sucks in the run game. 80th in the league in Stop %, 70th in the league in yards. Considering that he was Top 10 in defeats, he gave up some BIG plays and jumped on a lot of piles. 64th in the league in Adjusted Yards in pass coverage.

There's still a lot of work to do for the young man. Announcers repeat that he's a rising star because that's what Media Relations and the coaching staff tell 'em. The next time that a production team wants to talk to Daryl Washington will be the first.

From someone who quotes Football Outsiders as Gospel, that first paragraph is quite funny.


Jun 10, 2002
Reaction score
Numerous typos notwithstanding, Rugby, I--as always--love your passion for this team.

Dirty little secret: Daryl Washington and Paris Lenon were nearly identical last year in every statistical category except defeats. That's why Lenon hasn't lost his job and why Daryl Washington has a ways to go before he's identified as one of the top inside linebackers in the NFL.

Lenon and DWash are not even close in a very important statistical category. Lenon will be 35 years old this year. DWash 26. I'm very concerned about Lenon's age catching up with him. Does that Almanac have stats showing declines as players age? Lenon's # of tackles declined by 25% last season from 2010. Can we expect a similar or greater decline?

London Fletcher and Ray Lewis, much better talents of course, were still effective at 35 can Lenon do the same?

And of course this brings up the question as to whether Bradley is slated to take that spot from Lenon or are the Cards looking for something else from Bradley this fall.


Klowned by Keim
Feb 14, 2003
Reaction score
Gilbert, AZ
A lot of the passing yards he gave up came on the Greg Little reception against the Browns.

Your dislike of Daryl Washington knows no bounds. You'll look for every stat, every tidbit of information to confirm your bias against him during the draft and during his first season.

Sure he's still not great against the run, but he makes plays and is a force rushing the passer. Certainly one of the better LBs in all of football, and he still has lots of upside.

Not exactly Paris Lenon.

Depends on how many linebackers you want to include in your definition of "better." Washington was effective bringing pressure in the situations he was asked to. No question about that. 15 hurries and 5 sacks in limited opportunities is nothing to sneeze at.

On the other hand, Daryl Washington was just ahead of Lenon and Haggans when it comes to success rate against the pass (53% for Washington, 52% for the veterans, and Washington was significantly behind both when it came to average yards allowed.

Haggans remains supremely underrated for his ability to close down the flats. 19th in adjusted yards, while Lenon and Washington were 6.4 and 7.6, respectively.

Lenon and DWash are not even close in a very important statistical category. Lenon will be 35 years old this year. DWash 26. I'm very concerned about Lenon's age catching up with him. Does that Almanac have stats showing declines as players age? Lenon's # of tackles declined by 25% last season from 2010. Can we expect a similar or greater decline?

London Fletcher and Ray Lewis, much better talents of course, were still effective at 35 can Lenon do the same?

And of course this brings up the question as to whether Bradley is slated to take that spot from Lenon or are the Cards looking for something else from Bradley this fall.

According to the Almanac, "non-skill position players" like linebackers tend to begin to decline after age 30, and defensive backs after age 29. Because there aren't a ton of defensive stats to follow, that's by no means a definitive statement, though.


Jun 10, 2002
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According to the Almanac, "non-skill position players" like linebackers tend to begin to decline after age 30, and defensive backs after age 29. Because there aren't a ton of defensive stats to follow, that's by no means a definitive statement, though.


Just think, in 2010 3 of their 4 starting linebackers were 33 years old. And the fourth was a 30 year old with a bad back.


Aug 14, 2006
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K-9-----I know that you like to put a lot of faith in what some of these groups claim, (ie. football outsiders), in order to justify your position concerning play and players. Remember however, that many times an 'expert' turns out to be merely some SOB from out of town with a degree. Often their knowledge on a particular team is garnered exclusively from someone's stats, and is not necessarily indicative of actual player performance. Often players are asked to provide play that is not normally indicative of their position on the team, (ie. Washington's time spent on rushing from the inside because of our lack of an outside rush linebacker), or Wilson's plays from up in the box, (not normally the realm of a strong safety). Lack of local knowledge in such cases can skew stats, and may indicate a reduced value of someone's actual performance and worth to the team. Just sayin'.

john h

Registered User
Sep 24, 2002
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Little Rock
Jeff Bridges. :D

I think the Cards will be one of the most difficult teams to predict in all of football. To many unanswered questions. We know the stars we have but we do not know about our running game or our QB. I think the defense will be better than advertised as will the DB's. The OL is a big question mark. We will see soon enough.


Jun 10, 2002
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I think the Cards will be one of the most difficult teams to predict in all of football. To many unanswered questions. We know the stars we have but we do not know about our running game or our QB. I think the defense will be better than advertised as will the DB's. The OL is a big question mark. We will see soon enough.

OMG we have a game in just 13 days!

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