Timid start gives way to inspired finish


Dec 8, 2002
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ordinance 2257
By Scott Bordow, Tribune Columnist

There is a tipping point in every playoff series, a moment when a team's fate hangs in the air. That moment came at halftime Wednesday for the Suns.
They trailed the Dallas Mavericks by seven points.

Their fast break had been slowed to a crawl, their hearts seemed to be in their throats, and summer vacation was calling collect.

The angst was apparent in every nook and cranny of America West Arena, including Phoenix's locker room.

“There was definitely a lot of anger,” Quentin Richardson said. “I wanted to punch the wall. We knew we were a better team than the way we were playing.”

Backup center Steven Hunter sensed something else in the quiet locker room: Fear.

“We knew how big a game it was,” Hunter said. “We're a young team, and I guess that showed. We played real timid.”

That was the word coach Mike D'Antoni used. He also told his players that if they played Suns basketball, fast and loose and confident, “nobody can beat us.”

Phoenix, 114, Dallas 108, and you can breathe again. At the very worst,the Suns will host Game 7 Sunday. The series is in their hands.

“That was an incredible show of heart in the second half,” D'Antoni said. “It's not schemes, it's not going back and saying we have to do this. It was time for the guys to step up and put everything on the line. That's the reason why we won.”

Both teams knew what was at stake Wednesday. The Game 5 winner in a 2-2 series goes on to win the series 84 percent of the time.

But while the Mavericks seemed impervious to the pressure, the Suns played as if the executioner was about to tap them on the shoulder.

There was no flow or rhythm to their game. They passed up easy shots. They took bad shots. They scored just 48 points in the first half, the first time since April 9 they had scored fewer than 50 points in a half.

“We were kind of on our heels,” D'Antoni said. “We took a pretty good punch from them.”

And that's when you wondered: Does Amaré Stoudemire have a glass chin?

After an uninspired 15-point performance in Game 4, the betting line on Stoudemire was that he would play like a man possessed from the opening tip Wednesday.

Instead, Stoudemire was inactive and, it seemed, uninterested. He had just three points and three rebounds in the first quarter, and his three signature plays came when Erick Dampier blocked his slam dunk attempt, he was dunked on by Dirk Nowitzki, and he committed a silly foul as Nowitzki attempted a long 3-point shot with 18.8 seconds left in the half.

“I came out aggressive and tried to get going, but it just took me a little longer,” Stoudemire said.

The Mavericks bragged after their Game 4 win that they had solved Stoudemire. Run a second defender at him, force him to give up the ball and make other Suns the heroes.

But it wasn't what Dallas did in the first half Wednesday. It was what Stoudemire didn't do: Play like a man who had been named to the All-NBA second team earlier in the day.

TNT's Charles Barkley called Stoudemire a show pony at halftime, and while the criticism was harsh, it was justified.

Then Stoudemire shut Barkley up.

He had 21 points and 12 rebounds in the second half. He rediscovered the roll portion of the pick-and-roll with Steve Nash. He played with passion, he played smart, and one play in the half exemplified the change that came over him at halftime.

As Stoudemire went to the basket early in the fourth quarter, Nowitzki fouled him hard to the body. Somehow, Stoudemire absorbed the hit, hung in the air, and reloaded.

He made the bucket, hit the free throw for the 3-point play, and the Suns never looked back.

“Amaré stepped up after a slow start, but he went for 33 (points) and 18 (rebounds, a career playoff high), and for a 22-year-old, that's not bad,” D'Antoni said.

This series is far from over. It's back to Dallas for Game 6, and you should brace yourself for a Game 7.

But the Suns learned something about themselves Wednesday. They're not counter-punchers. They need to throw as many punches as they can, as fast as they can, and if a few miss, so what? They'll eventually connect.

“We got back on our feet in the second half,” D'Antoni said.

And off their deathbed.



Registered User
Feb 18, 2003
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Cave Creek
You know, we are watching our young players learn how to win in the playoffs - that was mentioned earlier in the season, that they were still learning to close a game, but playoffs are a whole other level. How far the Suns go may depend on how quickly they learn to find that extra gear when they need it, not be subject to mind-games, and maintain intensity and focus for extended periods.


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Jul 16, 2004
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Anyone see Stack running his mouth at Stat last night before Stat was shooting free throws late in the game. Stat simply said (reading his lips) "What are you talking about, man?" Classic.

P.S. Stackhouse has a big head. Don't tell him I said that. He scares me.


Hall of Famer
Aug 10, 2002
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Speaking of Stackhouse...

Was anyone else holding their breath when Marion went up for that fast break dunk in the first half and Stackhouse came barrelling in after him?


Jan 10, 2005
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Stackhouse has been keeping Dallas in this series. He won game 4 for them. That's where losing JJ hurts us also

Joe Mama

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May 14, 2002
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Gilbert, AZ
JPlay said:
Stackhouse has been keeping Dallas in this series. He won game 4 for them. That's where losing JJ hurts us also

Absolutely. Before this series started he and Jason Terry scared me more than anyone else on the Dallas Mavericks. So far Jason Terry hasn't been a big problem, but Stackhouse has kept the Mavericks in it. He was incredible in the first three quarters of last night's game.

Joe Mama


Registered User
Dec 3, 2004
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The two blocks Stackhouse had on Marion are great.

Actually, Stackhouse has blocked Marion so many times now when Marion goes for the dunk. LOL

The only thing I can say is... FINISH strong or slow down a bit to lure him to foul you.


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Jan 2, 2003
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regardless of how this series ends (and I feel REALLY good about our chances) - what I like the most right now is how the team has responded in the playoffs. I LOVE the fact that they just stepped on the Grizzlies throats in round 1 and I love that in the MUST WIN games - they have done exactly that. I believed before the playoffs that most likely we wouldn't win the title, but this would be the year that we learned what it takes in the playoffs... I kinda started believing maybe we were gonna shock the world as we rolled in Games 1-5 but now I'm jut happy to see us responding and if... IF they can weather this storm and get to the next round and JJ can be even 80% what he was - who knows. I'm just so stoked with this team - especially knowing that it is just the beginning - this team's window has at least 4 more years with Nash running the squad and by then, well, Amare WILL BE the most dominating BIG MAN in the game... it's great - it's all good right now - the present and the future - I love it.


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Dec 3, 2004
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Man if we have JJ back at 100%... I don't think we would be dominated by Spurs like MOST people say.

Even JJ comes back after this series... I wonder if he is still a 20/5/5 guy before he went down. I mean wearing that mask and fearing to get hit again... that's a lot of trouble. :(


I'm better than Mulli!
Sep 16, 2002
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last night made me a believer that this team will UNDOUBTEDLY win a championship if kept together. amare showed HUGE sack.

that said, this is the learning year. and we're already showing that we're learning our lessons well. this team has serious attitude. i love them. but jj is not gonna return 100%. prolly not even 80%. if was a pretty serious injury. one that's gonna keep him out over a week. maybe two. he'll need to readjust, as will the team. and our boys will be tired after this series (if we win). i know chap will argue with me about that, but with little depth and a grueling, physical series, we'll be pretty tapped out. but this team has an incredible amount of resolve, so i won't put anything past them.


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Jun 5, 2003
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azdad1978 said:
TNT's Charles Barkley called Stoudemire a show pony at halftime, and while the criticism was harsh, it was justified.

Then Stoudemire shut Barkley up.

:lmao: Barkley called Stoudemire a show pony? Sorry but that is friggin hilarious!

Anyway, this has been a great series... I cannot wait until friday!!


Registered User
Dec 3, 2004
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Sorry guys...

I don't think we should have the mentaliy that "Oh this is just the First Year and we'll do better next year."

I don't like that mentality.

Jim Jackson said it the best. When Blazers lost to Spurs in WCF, they told themselves that they would come back but they never did. Injuries occur ALL THE TIME and right now, we are good enough to battle Mavs without JJ. We still have 3 all-stars.

Who knows what would happen next year? I mean Nash is having his best game of his life right now. It's stupid to let it go like that.

I want this team to charge forward like THIS IS THE YEAR. Don't Wait. Opportunities don't come that often. The media loves us and if our fast-pace, exciting games can win a championship, it will ONLY be beneficial to NBA.

I hope the Suns' management isn't thinking that "oh...our young guys have done a great job and they'll do better next year". That's a terrible mentality IMO.

We gotta treat it like THIS IS IT. We gotta do everything we can to get the ring this year.


edited for content
Sep 14, 2002
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L.A. area
but this team has an incredible amount of resolve, so i won't put anything past them.

Until the next time they lose a game, right? ;)


Better off silent
May 13, 2002
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Round Rock, TX
elindholm said:
but this team has an incredible amount of resolve, so i won't put anything past them.

Until the next time they lose a game, right? ;)

I've figured out the prevailing philosophy on this board is that you should always expect the team to lose or at least underachieve. That way, if they do lose they'd look like a genius, but if they win, they'd just say, "well, at least I was wrong..."



I'm better than Mulli!
Sep 16, 2002
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elindholm said:
but this team has an incredible amount of resolve, so i won't put anything past them.

Until the next time they lose a game, right? ;)

actually, when i look at everything objectively:

big mins for nash
no bench production
a grueling series
jj out
KVH prolly coming back

i have to look realistically (sorry guys) and think, hmm, not a good shot at pulling this out.

but then i watch the games, see the heart, get emotionally excited myself, and think, why not?

so it's not a wonder that i flip flop, is it?

but thanks for calling me out on it? is that necessary after we win and everyone's just feeling good? or at least, supposed to be feeling good.


I'm better than Mulli!
Sep 16, 2002
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Chaplin said:

I've figured out the prevailing philosophy on this board is that you should always expect the team to lose or at least underachieve. That way, if they do lose they'd look like a genius, but if they win, they'd just say, "well, at least I was wrong..."


i honestly don't care if i'm right or not. when i post that i think we're going to lose, i honestly believe that, given the evidence presented to me, the weight favors a loss. when examining my team or a series i try to distance myself from my feelings and speak from as objective a standpoint as possible. some of you are such big fans that you cannot detach your feelings in discussing the suns. i don't blame you, but i also can't say i value y'all's opinion (and this is not directed at you personally chap, just going off on a related tangent) as much as i would an objective well-reasoned opinion.


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Jan 2, 2003
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Ouchie-Z-Clown said:
actually, when i look at everything objectively:

KVH prolly coming back

come on now - this probably helps more than naything else - I'd MUCH RATHER see the stiif out there than anyone else on the Mavs!

Come on - Keith Van Who? He hasn't made a big shot since college and even Walter McCarty used to shut his ass down back then!


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Jan 2, 2003
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so - here we go with another 4 page thread where people likely tear each other apart - AFTER A WIN.

DB - I'm just gonna sit back and enjoy it - no reason to throw barbs today - I'm too stoked with the win last night.


edited for content
Sep 14, 2002
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L.A. area
Actually, if you review the posts, I didn't say a single pessimistic thing about Game 5. All I said was that I was bummed that my prediction of Suns in 5 was no good.

I've been pretty optimistic about Suns' chances ever since their gutty win in Game 3.

Joe Mama

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May 14, 2002
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Gilbert, AZ
Chaplin said:

I've figured out the prevailing philosophy on this board is that you should always expect the team to lose or at least underachieve. That way, if they do lose they'd look like a genius, but if they win, they'd just say, "well, at least I was wrong..."


I think it has a lot less to do with looking "like a genius" and more to do with accepting something expected. Furthermore if the team wins after predicted defeat people are pleasantly surprised. Also keep in mind that several of the predictions of losses are made as some sort of anti-jinx that people believe.

I'm not sure if I predicted it on this board, but I know I told Andy after Game numeral for that I thought the Suns would go down in 6. That's not because I'm any less passionate about the Phoenix Suns than anyone else, and it certainly isn't because I'm trying to set myself up to "look like a genius". It was just a feeling I had largely because of JJ's absence in the lineup.

Joe Mama


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Jan 2, 2003
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Joe Mama said:
I think it has a lot less to do with looking "like a genius" and more to do with accepting something expected. Furthermore if the team wins after predicted defeat people are pleasantly surprised. Also keep in mind that several of the predictions of losses are made as some sort of anti-jinx that people believe.

I'm not sure if I predicted it on this board, but I know I told Andy after Game numeral for that I thought the Suns would go down in 6. That's not because I'm any less passionate about the Phoenix Suns than anyone else, and it certainly isn't because I'm trying to set myself up to "look like a genius". It was just a feeling I had largely because of JJ's absence in the lineup.

Joe Mama

it was actually me you told that to - and I agreed with you. Hell - I thought we were done for at the half last night. Love to be proven wrong over and over again by this team.

hell - after the game - I even wrote something akin to what Eric posted - I believe me last comment in the chat was:

I will never count this team out again... until we lose Game 6.:D


Better off silent
May 13, 2002
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Round Rock, TX
cheesebeef said:
it was actually me you told that to - and I agreed with you. Hell - I thought we were done for at the half last night. Love to be proven wrong over and over again by this team.

hell - after the game - I even wrote something akin to what Eric posted - I believe me last comment in the chat was:

I will never count this team out again... until we lose Game 6.:D

Aren't you the same guy that Sunday said emphatically that we'd win it in 7? Which is it?? :p


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Jan 2, 2003
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Chaplin said:
Aren't you the same guy that Sunday said emphatically that we'd win it in 7? Which is it?? :p

I waffle by the minute Chap.