Tired of the blind comments about Dallas & Heat


Formally known as BEERZ
Sep 13, 2002
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All the So-called experts say The heat are alot better with Shaq & look at the lakers. Compaired to how Dallas is a better team without Nash.

That is a bunch of crap. The Lakers lost more than just Shaq, they are a completely diff team. New coach new everything.

Dallas is 6? games better than last year. That considering how much weaker the west has become with the downfall of the King the Lakers and even the Wolves. For that alone Dallas should beable to get a better record than last year.

The Suns are 150% better this year than last and they only added Nash & Q for the most part.

Yes Shaq is a dominant force. More so than Nash of course. But Nash has completely changed this team. They are lightyears ahead of last years team.

Just listen to the experts the Suns are too young, too soft, play no D... But yet look how far the Suns have come and how far they might beable to go. NONE of this would be possbale without the leadership & play of Nash the MVP of the league.


May 7, 2005
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People don't say the Mavs are better without Nash because of their record. Look at the stats. Lead the league in defending 3 point shots. Top 15 in points allowed.


Grey haired old Bird
Supporting Member
May 9, 2002
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Sun City, AZ
Hey! These individual awards are meaningless. Only winning the championship matters. I really do wish the MVP award would be cancelled permanently.
Mar 3, 2005
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The Mavs are better this year.
But it is still a stupid argument for people to make when discussing the MVP. The respective records of the Mavs and Heat should have no bearing on this MVP race-unless we are talking about Dirk. The Mav's handled losing one of their top players better than the Lakers did. Shaq and Nash had no say in what their old teams did once they moved on.

People are whining that the most dominating player in the game only has one MVP. But based on that criteria Shaq may as well be handed the MVP for the next two years as well, losing all meaning for an annual indivdual award.

And people the size of Nash would have to play with the knowledge that no matter how hard they try and how well they represent the game, they could never be mentioned as the MVP. It's a stupid and poorly thought out position that only those who fail to form their own opinions can use.

Joe Mama

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May 14, 2002
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Gilbert, AZ
BEERZ said:
All the So-called experts say The heat are alot better with Shaq & look at the lakers. Compaired to how Dallas is a better team without Nash.

That is a bunch of crap. The Lakers lost more than just Shaq, they are a completely diff team. New coach new everything.

Dallas is 6? games better than last year. That considering how much weaker the west has become with the downfall of the King the Lakers and even the Wolves. For that alone Dallas should beable to get a better record than last year.

The Suns are 150% better this year than last and they only added Nash & Q for the most part.

Yes Shaq is a dominant force. More so than Nash of course. But Nash has completely changed this team. They are lightyears ahead of last years team.

Just listen to the experts the Suns are too young, too soft, play no D... But yet look how far the Suns have come and how far they might beable to go. NONE of this would be possbale without the leadership & play of Nash the MVP of the league.

I agree it's a poor argument, but the Phoenix Suns added more than just Nash and Q. Jimmy Jackson and Hunter have also played significant roles off the bench. However I agree that the line of thinking being discussed is so stupid that it's hardly worth arguing about. There were so many other changes to all three of these teams that it's impossible to make that comparison.

Joe Mama

Diamondback Jay

Psalms 23:1
Feb 28, 2004
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One of the more humorous things I've ever heard spoken on public TV actually happened on "Around The Horn" today.. The Suns chances against Dallas was one of the topics, and Tim Cowlishaw made a comment that Phoenix is below average defensively and that Dallas was "so much better than the Suns" in this avenue..

The Mavs... The same team that allowed 98 points a game in the Houston series? The same Maverick team that essentially re-invented the 130-128 scoreboards? Repeat after me here Tim. Paint.. Kettle.. Black..

Frankly, I'm really beginning to wonder if these self projected "experts" have even bothered to watch the Suns play this season. No, they're not Detroit or San Antonio and aren't going to contain teams to 80 points or less per game. That's not their style. However, they have a pretty good concept of "TEAM DEFENSE" which I'll take over a team full of defensive stoppers any day of the week.

I also find it to be incredibly amazing how many people are quick to pick the Mavericks. You would think the Suns were a 40 win team that managed to pull an upset out of their ass in the first round with the way the experts are talking..

Here's some facts.. First, the Mavericks may "match up well" with Phoenix in several key positions (PG/SG) but please answer me this.. Exactly WHO is going to stop Stoudemire?? Your blowing smoke up your own ass if you think Erick Dampier's going to get the job done. As for Nowitzki, Marion has enough defensively to contain him, and when it comes to crashing the boards, Nowitzki's like a fish out of water.

As for Miami, yes the Suns will have a big hole in the middle and on paper would have a tough time trying to contain him. However, think of this.. What if Phoenix uses a crafty idea of having Marion and Stoudemire double team him? I think Wade can be maintained by Nash, Q-Rich or Joe Johnson. With this said, who's gonna beat the Suns under this context?? Udonis Haslem?? Eddie Jones?

In closing, I'm actually glad to see these self proclaimed "gurus" underestimating the Suns because once they hoist the goods in June, we all can say WE TOLD YOU SO.


Supporting Member
Jan 2, 2003
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Snake said:
In closing, I'm actually glad to see these self proclaimed "gurus" underestimating the Suns because once they hoist the goods in June, we all can say WE TOLD YOU SO.

to be honest, if we're hoisting the goods in JUne - I ain't gonna say crap cuase I will be too smashed to speak.

George O'Brien

Nov 22, 2003
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Sun City
I liked how Nash brought his teammates up on stage at the awards. In many ways his real value was in getting the rest of the guys to play as a team and really they all shared it. If anything, I think Nash getting the award was a way for the people voting to reward the kind of basketball the Suns are playing. :notworthy