It was so so awesome. There were almost no Falcons fans. Maybe 1 in 25. The stadium was SO loud, the loudest its been by far and it started from the player announcements and almost never got quiet. The few times the fans started to get a little quiet, a huge play happened.. and after Rolle's fumble recovery for 6, it exploded and stayed exploded.
Personally, I am hoarse. My throat is killing me and I'd probably be wrecked tomorrow if I had to teach.. I'm very glad school doesn't start back up until Monday.
GO CARDINALS! This was the most fun game i've attended, not only because it was a play off win, but because there were so many others yelling and passionate... sure most of you won't come back next season and I'll have 3 rows of scalped out of state fans again... but it was very nice today.