Top 5 Concerns---Top 5 Reasons to be Optimistic


Crawled Through 5 FB Fields
Aug 10, 2005
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Wrentham, MA
Here are mine---I will be very interested to read yours.

Top 5 Concerns:

1. In the general sense, is this team tough enough, both physically and mentally? The simplest way to put it is---will 49ers' QB Alex Smith continue to be correct when he said, "If you get on top of the Cardinals they will fold up their tents."

The players that I am convinced are tough: #11, #19, #35, #63, #76, #86, #87, #90, #93, #52, #58, #20, #27.

Problem with this list is in game one we are not starting our toughest o-lineman, #76 (Deuce Lutui) or one of our toughest defenders, #52 (Stewart Bradley)...and #27 (Mike Adams) is coming back from knee surgery.

I wanted to list #24 Adrian Wilson---but it's the mental part that eludes me on him. Plus, he's going to play hurt again---which resulted in his worst year as a Cardinal last year.

The players I worry about: #4, #26, #75, #71, #70, #72, #12, #85, #18, #92, #51, #53, #55, #21, #25, #49. Just haven't seen the type of all-around toughness from them yet that I would call convincing.

The one thing that concerned me about trading for Kevin Kolb---his skittishness in the pocket. I am hoping that he starts stepping up into the pocket the way Bartel did in the last two pre-season games.

2. Lack of a pass rush. We have 2 good inside rushers in #90 and #93---but they cannot play every snap and be consistently effective---and the players who rush from the edges are either over the hill or thoroughly unproven.

3. The Whiz factor: Poor game management. Poor in-game decisions and lack of in- game adjustments.

4. Shoddy Fundamentals: blocking, protecting the ball, tackling, maintaining good leverage and looking back for the ball on pass defense.

In particular---the pass protection from the current personnel on the o-line.

5. Inexperience of both coordinators---neither has much or any experience calling plays. I think both have very good ideas---so I am encouraged by that---but can they deliver when the pressure is on in real games?

Top 5 Reasons to Be Optimistic:

1. The Players Taking Ownership---Fitz was huge in paving the way for Kolb to become a Cardinal---Darnell Dockett has said that while his new defensive responsibilities are not what he would prefer, he recognizes that the execution of assignments is critical to the team's chances for winning and thus he has accepted his new responsibilities with conviction. I sense that the players have a renewed commitment to winning---as they have to abandon the propensity to be "no shows" in games.

2. Talent at QB---the talent is there, imo, across the board. Whether the execution will be there---no one knows yet---but we have 3 QBs, all with different strengths who are capable of leading the offense.

3. Ray Horton and a fresh approach to attack style defense that also involves discipline. Ray is going to put the players in a position to wreak havoc---the question is, will the players respond?

4. Mike Miller's passing game. I like it and I like it a lot. Good waggle play action options---good, deceptive route wrinkles---and a good sense of exploiting mismatches, a la Kurt Warner.

5. Kevin Spencer's Special Teams---this guy---if Whiz continues to falter, would be one of my top choices for head coach. He brings it every week---for a phase of the game that takes great coaching to get the most favorable results in. I think that LSH and PP21 could well be the best KR/PR tandem in the NFL---and Jay Feely could well be the most accurate and clutch PK. I also believe that we could lead the league in blocked FGs and punts---and I am confident that we will tackle like dogs on returns.
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Supporting Member
Mar 25, 2005
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SE valley
i would never make a special teams coach my HC, especially in the current nfl that is trying to rid of special teams!

Good write up, I agree with most of it.


It's football season!!
May 8, 2011
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Gilbert, Arizona
Good post - and I suspect a lot of consistent themes in the replies. Here's mine:

Reasons for Concern:
1. The ability to stay healthy throughout the year (I don't care what team you are, this is automatically the #1 concern and has already cost us)
2. Lack of solid offensive tackles putting too much pressure on QB
3. Lack of effective pass rush
4. Inexperienced QB who is bound to mistakes (combine that with concern #2)
5. Inexperience at key positions (namely RB, #2 WR, CB)

Reasons for Optimism:
1. We have Larry Freakin' Fitzgerald!
2. We have a division we can win without being great
3. Patrick Peterson will make special plays during the season
4. Young and talented players will have a chance to develop this year
5. Upgraded coordinators should lead to better schemes and game planning


Crawled Through 5 FB Fields
Aug 10, 2005
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Wrentham, MA
Pretty much agree with all of that Mitch... except, who is Ray Rhodes? ;)

Thanks, pal. Man, what a brain whiff. Thanks to you I corrected it. But hey---I always like Ray Rhodes' approach. Hopefully we will all like Ray Horton's even more!


Crawled Through 5 FB Fields
Aug 10, 2005
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Wrentham, MA
i would never make a special teams coach my HC, especially in the current nfl that is trying to rid of special teams!

Good write up, I agree with most of it.

You know---you raise a very interesting point, BRR---one that I have pondered myself.

What makes me believe that Kevin Spencer would be a very good head coach: he's the most organized and best motivator on the staff, imo. It shows up every week---and thus, if he could make this translate to the entire team---wow!


Hoist the Lombardi Trophy
Nov 11, 2002
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Dallas, TX
Good write up & can't argue any of the pros & cons. With that said I think we have a mediocre 8-8 football team at best. As of today IMO there is 1 differance maker on this team, #11.

BTW Mitch you better say Ray Horton instead of Rhodes before others rip you ;)

Jetstream Green

Kool Aid with a touch of vodka
Feb 5, 2003
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San Antonio, Texas
All I know is this, Derek Anderson will not be taking snaps for us any more. That in itself already makes me feel great


Not Always The Best Moderator
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Sep 14, 2002
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Scottsdale, Az
5 Concerns:

#1 RT: It is the RT that concerns me more than the LT. Keith is really awful and I believe Bridges is a better player.

#2. Penalties: The Cardinals were #2 in the NFL in penalties last year. You can not win when you are constantly giving away first downs.

#3. Depth at C and SS: We basically have no realistic option if Sendelein or Wilson go down.

#4. Slow Start: Anything less than 2-1 in our first 3 games is going to make the middle of the season VERY tough. If the Cardinals can be 4-2 in their first six games, they will win this division. Reverse that and we are staring at 6-10

#5 Run Stopping: Stop the run, force people to pass, and the pass rush will come. I believe our offense is explosive so we can't let people control the clock.

5 Reasons I am optomistic

#1 Kevin Kolb: We had a combined 10 TD passes last year for a season. Just absolutely the most inept passing offense I have seen in 10 years. Kolb will more than double that total.

#2. Patrick Peterson: This is a league based on playmakers and a pick 6 is the most game turning play in the NFL. We will see at least 2 of those from this man this year.

#3 Tight Ends: Whisenhunt used the TE a lot in Pittsburgh. Heath Miller used to be a real weapon. I believe our TEs will pull double coverage off of Fitz more than anything.

#4. The Players Believe: Listening to the players, they have seen a front office be more proactive than ever. Leadership begins when your employees believe in what you are doing. You can't underestimate confidence in this league.

#5. Whisenhunt: He used to be #1 on this list. He is still the coach who has won more playoff games then we have seen in our lifetime.


May 14, 2002
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Holmdel, NJ

- Run blocking

- Pass Pro

- Durability

- Penalties

- Run "D"


- Tight coverage by corners

- Multi-pronged pass offense that clicks

- More reliable tackling

- Home run production (offense, defense, return teams)

- Newcomers (Bradley, Peterson, Jefferson (new enough), Kolb, Stuckey, Heap, Holliday
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Sep 1, 2010
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Not sure of the order I got, they are all jumbled together in my head.
1 blocking
2 rushing
3 not rushing enough
4 stopping the run
5 shotgun handoffs

1 The 411, Kolb/Fitz
2 Horton
3 All the double initial guys, DD, CC, PP, plus Rhodes, D-Wash, and money midget. I think the defense will be better than others seem to. If they play like a squad all year long I think we can go 10-6.
4 The new Bidwill
5 Mitch survived one hell of a storm, and is back in time for the Opener


Jun 10, 2002
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1. We have Larry Freakin' Fitzgerald!

I think a lot of us overlook how important this is. We have a talent that other teams simply can't handle. A guy Defensive Coordinators cannot game plan out of our offense. He's just too good.

It's been that way for 6 years. How long has it been since we could say that about a Cardinal player who actually liked playing for Arizona?

90 receptions, 1137 yards and 6 TDs with probably the worst collection of QBs throwing the ball in recent NFL history.

Fitz is just unreal.


ASFN Addict
Sep 3, 2011
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everyone has already said a bunch:
Pass rush
Run stop

1. OP said it first, I agree, Cards do have a bit of a quitters mentality. Not often will they climb back and win a game. Feel like when we get down is when you see Dockett get off the ball a little slower, linemen get lazy, Beanie not run quite so hard. We rarely have big comebacks.

2. Offensive weapons. Ive been harping on it for awhile and lots of people disagree, but I have virtually zero faith in Andre Roberts as our #2. Whiz can say 'We dont really have a #2" till the cows come home, but I feel this is going to hurt us. I saw often in preseason Kolb held the ball alot because he couldnt find anyone open. Larry will be getting double teamed every down. Andre isnt good enough to get open. Hes fast, not super fast, hes not big or physical. He really has no special abilities that will trump a good #2 CB. This worries me quite a bit. Beanie and Chester are no fear inducing tendem. Dont expect too much support from them.

3. Adrian. Double dip here. Firstly hes injured and I fear re-injury. And you gotta ask yourself, is a 1 armed Adub better than a fully healthy Abdullah?
2ndly, weve seen what an innured Adub is like in pass coverage. It was his hip last year, but still. I was stunned watching him in coverage last season. He looked beyond lost. May not want to hear it, but Adrian is a liability when hes not in the box or sacking the QB.

4. Horton. I like the guy, I just think everyone is jumping on the bandwagon a little too quickly. I remeber last season when whats-his-face claimed the exact same thing Horton is saying "We are going to be a rush first team". Its hard to be a rush first team when you have no talented pass rushers. Also, this is the 2nd Horton trivia fact im suprised that everyones forgot..Hes our silver medal. 2nd choice. Call it what you want it, he was not the guy we wanted for the position. So in that sense, you cant say hes the savior of the team because he clearly wasnt penciled in as numero uno DC when the time came. He, in a sense, is our Chester Taylor. Everyone seemed to want Choice, but Choice was not available. He was a DB coach. To go from that to commanding the Dline and linebackers is a significant jump. Its common knowledge all hes doing is copying the Steelers defense, which is fine. But it worries me because hes just copying, not thinking. Its the difference between memorizing something and understanding something. lol, fun analogy I just thought up, Hes JUST like that coach from the Waterboy who stole that other coaches magic playbook. Worked for awhile, but eventually he ran into a offense he hadnt seen before and the book had no answers so he didnt know what to do. This is a legitimate concern and I think everyone should take a breathe before claiming Horton is the next Dom Capers.

5. #4 took up 2 spaces worth of space


1. Run stop, I think itll be much better. Problem last year is we have a buncha old vet LBs who get worn out. We now have a very good, young rotation of LBs and so we will almost always have a fresh pair of legs out there. Stewart Bradley is a run stuff so thatll help.

2. 2nd year Dan Williams. DW came on big at the end of last season, if he can continue that momentum I think he can be a BJ Raji type talent for us. That D line played sick in the PS.

3. O line, I know LT and RT are HUGE issues, but all in all, O line played suprisingly well is PS. No reason to doubt them now, I give credit where its due. Hopfully they can play the same in regular season.

4. Chance for AJ and PP to play. Even if they get throttled, itll be a good experience. Ive never liked Whiz not playing rookies. No better way to learn than to do it. PP will have a coming out party sometime this year and Im just thoroughly interested in what AJ can do.

5. Overall Cardinals franchise, someone touched on it, Cards just feel diferent from the ground up. 56 straight sell outs, LArry is the highest paid WR ever, went out and got Heap+King, Did what we needed to to get Kolb, Got PP in the draft when we had no need for him. This team just feels like its turning it around for the long run. No more cheap bidwills. no more 'Whats a TE? Ive never heard of that position'. Putting some thought into the run game (ryan williams). Even if this season sucks, it just feels like this organization it will step up and do what it needs to to get better. Something that I could rarely say in the past.


Jun 10, 2002
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1. OP said it first, I agree, Cards do have a bit of a quitters mentality. Not often will they climb back and win a game. Feel like when we get down is when you see Dockett get off the ball a little slower, linemen get lazy, Beanie not run quite so hard. We rarely have big comebacks.

Laid back fans +laid back City = laid back players.

Sorry, but that's the reality. There has never been any penalty for failure in Arizona. The die hards love the players no matter if they're 5-11 or 10-6. (Except for Left Tackles who false start of course.) The media, except for Bickley are enablers. I don't think Somers has ever written an article critical of the Cardinals and the team bought off Urban who was the most objective reporter in the Valley at the Tribune.

The players learn it from training camp in idyllic Flagstaff and the veterans when in Tempe. The only time it changed was during the playoff run in 2008 and on in to 2009 when long time veterans like Berry and Warner and Fitz and Dansby and Boldin and Dockett simply refused to be the same old Cardinals.

I thought that Grimm and Lott would bring a tougher mentality to the Valley but they didn't. I like what I hear from Horton, contrary to some I think its great that he says here's what we're going to do try and stop us.Just like Vince Lombardi did. I also think that Mike Bidwill isn't happy just going 9-7 and winning a weak Division. Hopefully Coach Horton and Michael will finally bring some toughness to the Valley.
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Supporting Member
Jan 2, 2003
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Good post - and I suspect a lot of consistent themes in the replies. Here's mine:

Reasons for Concern:
1. The ability to stay healthy throughout the year (I don't care what team you are, this is automatically the #1 concern and has already cost us)
2. Lack of solid offensive tackles putting too much pressure on QB
3. Lack of effective pass rush
4. Inexperienced QB who is bound to mistakes (combine that with concern #2)
5. Inexperience at key positions (namely RB, #2 WR, CB)

Reasons for Optimism:
1. We have Larry Freakin' Fitzgerald!
2. We have a division we can win without being great
3. Patrick Peterson will make special plays during the season
4. Young and talented players will have a chance to develop this year
5. Upgraded coordinators should lead to better schemes and game planning

pretty much agree with all of thse.


Open the Roof!
Jan 23, 2007
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Phoenix, AZ

1. Mediocre O-Line, particularly at LT.
2. Our outside pass rush has to materialize out of nowhere because we don't really have anyone on the roster that has shown they are (still) capable of getting to the QB.
3. Rookie CB being thrown into the fire could lead to plenty of blown plays.
4. Shortened off-season impacts implementation of a totally new D. There will be mistakes.
5. Shortened off-season impacts the assimimlation of the new QB. There may be miscommunication, particularly at the line.


1. Fitz has a legit QB tossing him balls now. He will have a monster season.
2. We have the chance to get up-to-speed with a couple of weaker opponents before hitting the beasts on our schedule.
3. Not impressed with what the rest of the division did in off season
4. Beanie is healthy. Let's see what he can really do.
5. In Whiz I Trust


ASFN Addict
Aug 11, 2002
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Scarsdale, NY
Mitch, I'd put Kevin Kolb on both sides of the equation. I'm waiting to see how he does in the regular season. So mark me down as a concerned optimist.


Crawled Through 5 FB Fields
Aug 10, 2005
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Wrentham, MA
Mitch, I'd put Kevin Kolb on both sides of the equation. I'm waiting to see how he does in the regular season. So mark me down as a concerned optimist.

I agree, Garth. There's a lot of pressure on Kolb---not just by the pass rush, but in terms of local and league-wide expectations. It will be interesting to see just how well he handles it and if he can avoid pressing too hard.


Supporting Member
Apr 2, 2004
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Mitch, I'd put Kevin Kolb on both sides of the equation. I'm waiting to see how he does in the regular season. So mark me down as a concerned optimist.

Absolutely. I don't know how anyone can justify a flat out appraisal of this guy whether negative or positive. Like you, I am cautiously hopeful.


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