While I agree that Manning is the choice to take, I think some are missing a very important issue.
That is the assumption that San Diego even wants to trade with us. The other side has to be willing to deal with you. Otherwise, its all moot anyhow.
After the Wadsworth fleecing, they may not want to deal with us.
I also worry about trying to give up too much. Manning, while nice, is not worth the moon. Also, figure how many other teams also want to trade up for Manning. I think it makes our chances slim at best, even if we wanted to make the trade. We lost our shot at Manning after Poole's catch to save the Cheese, IMO.
Hate to be a downer, that's just how I see it.
I'm starting to like the Sean Taylor idea. He was awesome in that Bowl game, and I feel you build the defense down the middle. We need 2 good tackles, a new Mike Linebacker, and Sean Taylor at safety. I feel that along with Dexter Jackson, they would make a great tandem. I'm not ready to give up on Wilson, but he has a lot of improvement to do - this might light a fire. Worse case, you end up with several options for Wilson.
I think whatever we do with the #3 pick that we take the best athlete regardless of position. Manning would be awesome though, if we could pull off a miracle - I'm for it!