Currently I am a journalism major at ASU, but have worked as freelance writer before and will do some of the writing this site eventually (haven't had a chance to write anythere here because I've been busy and unfortunately MLB are pricks when it comes to giving websites media passes)
Now for my rant...
I know how the system works. For those that politically opinionated but have no idea how the media works often accuse them of bias. That is a load of crap! When I meet with an editor they don't throw a story out because it doesn't agree with the corporates that own the media outlet. They want to know what the story is, why its newsworthy, and what angle I'm using. Its not how we can further meet their political agenda.
Now I'm not saying the media doesn't have its faults. Its not that they are biased, they often writers that are simply lazy. The goal with every story is to have a minimum of 6 sources and to always double check your info before putting it into print. Unfortunately there aren't many writers that follow this procedure anymore.
Sorry for the rant but after seeing so much crap either blamed on the media or statements that there is a complete bias by all of the media, I just couldn't take it anymore