A. O. II
so this movie's trailer when i watched hellboy 2..
looks funny.
looks funny.
Bought this last weekend. It's everything good about parody. RDJ probably deserved some kind of acting award for this. He shot up to my "top 3 living actors" after this and Ironman.
it's great to see Depp and Downey finally not only really get mainstream rolls, but watching them knock them out of the park is even better. If I had told to you 6 years ago Depp would be the figure-head of a Billion dollar franchise and Downey would have opened a 330 million dollar movie you'd have thought I was bats#it crazy.
I bet when RDJ was playing the popped-up collar preppy punk in Weird Science, he had to wonder if he made the right career decision.
Another thing that was great about this movie is they had a role for Jack Black that made total sense. Nothing Jack Black did was out of character or even unfunny. That hadn't happened for him since High Fidelity.
One of the funniest most original comedies in years imo. I bought this one asap and agree with cheese 100%, odd. Great comedy seen it about 5 times already and funny every time.
we might agree that it was hilarious but I don't know how original it was. This move was like Three Amigos on steroids. Still hilarious but there's no doubting the similarities between the two... actors playing war, not realizing they're in an actual war, having to use their acting skills to win war, heavy handed screaming studio executives, etc, etc. doesn't take away anything from Thunder, but they weren't exactly re-inventing the wheel here.
I think a lot of you go into movies expecting them to be something they aren't and then get upset when they don't live up to your expectations.
I knew Tropic Thunder was going to be cheesy and stupid and therefore I enjoyed it for the chessy and stupid movie it was.
I'm kind of surprised you call it "stupid". I know you're not saying that as a bad thing, as I think you're saying it was probably stupid silly, but I actually thought the movie was pretty smart and a pretty biting satire on Hollywood.
Yes stupid silly.
"You can't go full ******" is already a commonly used line around the jobsite.
I think a lot of you go into movies expecting them to be something they aren't and then get upset when they don't live up to your expectations.
I knew Tropic Thunder was going to be cheesy and stupid and therefore I enjoyed it for the chessy and stupid movie it was.
I wasn't expecting Godfather or Braveheart. I also wasn't expecting the sensory overload either.
Did it have to start with a gangbanger rapper saying "pu88y over any over again? How bout the fart movie right after it? Flatulence always hits the spot.
How about the part where stiller's hands have been blown off and look like an exploded balloon? How about Stiller's pad in asia with all of the stripper dancing on his property? How about his agent's book of boobs? I mean, c'mon. I watched less than 25% of this movie and I saw all of that.
Satire can be much funnier than this. And much smarter.
I don't know. I think sensory overload was the point as they were lampooning pretty much our media culture, which is by it's nature, sensory overload now. I think satire takes a magnifiying glass to whatever issue is at hand and how better to slam the rap-culture or the horrific comedies that come out like Klumps by making it look REALLY REALLY outright ridiculous?
I am all about disdain for the crap that was Babble. I must see this now.
Did no one see the obvious reference to Eddie Murphy's awful Nutty Professor series? Or over-the-top action flicks built on ridiculous environmental scenarios? Or pretentious indies? I thought all of the spoofs were spot-on satire, and the idea of three marginal (at best) actors trying to gain credibility by making an ensemble war movie is probably the height of poking at hollow Hollywood culture. Right down to Jack Black's ridiculous Brooklyn accent
You don't have to hate the Nutty Professor or Thin Red Line or Armageddon/The Core/The Day After Tommorrow, Babel, or method acting, or self-righteous stage actors whose entire worldviews are shaped by the characters they play, or bouncy-haired flighty British directors (Terry Gilliam going certifiable on the set of 12 Monkeys came to mind) to appreciate how this movie disembodies all of them with a dull pairing knife. For me, I already had a bit of disdain for all of it, and felt Tropical Thunder finally gave me a stronger voice on the matter.
For once, legitimate catharsis for me!