Yang was talking about it on tv and he said he actually did it himself with a few families, he gave them 1000 a month(not sure what state). One guy he said was ecstatic so he asked him are you saving it, did you go on vacation etc and he said no, I always wanted to play guitar, so I bought a guitar and I'm taking guitar lessons and I love it. Never would have done it with my own money. His point wasn't we need more guitarists just that people will find ways to use the money and be happier, less stress etc.
Love it. If you are playing guitar, you won't have time to instigate a mass shooting right?
I heard Yang on CNN a few weeks ago. He was talking about changing the metrics of how we measure success in our country. Right now, one of the prime indicators is "GDP", Gross Domestic Product. If that is high, we are all supposedly doing well, right? But he says that it doesn't measure other important factors such as life expectancy, mental health, affordability, marriage and divorce rates, environmental quality, consumer and student debt, volunteerism, etc. He wants to factor things like that into a new measurement, and by doing so, change the goals for our society and, in turn, change society.
This makes sense on a macro and micro level. If one's business is producing great numbers, but the owner's mom dies prematurely, has kids overloaded on student loans, underemployed, family members with addiction or mental health issues, not able to afford decent housing, working too many hours, consuming toxins in our food, not volunteering, etc., that's not success or quality of life. Multiply that by 327 million similar situations, and that's the "well being" of the United States, good GDP or not.