What will stop this?
One thing stops this, it's all fun to go watch your team win but if you shell out a cool 500to 1k and watch your team take an ass beating and feel unsafe as you're watching the ass beating then you are less likely to do it again.
So here's a tip, if the Cardinals ever show up in such a game, get right on the line of getting tossed, agitate, embarrass them, make them weep at their stupidity and audacity to come into your house with those colors, make them rue the day they decided this was going to be fun.
The ones that sold their tickets should have to watch their team beat the ass of the other team and when they get back then you give them more hell than you gave the other teams fans, no tailgating, no sharing food or laughing or crackign jokes just steely you suck buddy stares.
Spill a beverage on their seat, ooops who did that?
Grow a pair of fan balls.
These are Arizonans man, the land of the laid back, leave at halftime if we're dominating, instead of shouting, "Step on their THROATS, FINISH THEM OFF!"
That is what I wish our fans were more like, but I guess since we just got our team in 88, and the product has been ass for so long, we just don't know how to be that way. It's the same for the Suns too, Arizonans are just to laid back "on avg." to grow fan balls IMHO.
If someone disagrees, prove me wrong by doing something, I respect the loud mouth, more than the wuss in the back afraid to stand up for his own city/team/stadium/section etc.
That guy in AJs section ROCK ON! Just this mans opinion.
And I thought the Broncos would be #2 on the list, it was horrible last time I went to the Bronco game, embarassed me as a fan to be honest, so I know what some of these guys are saying, and agree.