Walter Mitchell's article on Josh McCown

red desert

ASFN Addict
Mar 4, 2003
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A.B.Q. in da house
Thank you, Walter. For eloquently stating what I and others have been trying to say the last few days: this kid is a keeper. I'm not just saying this based on yesterday's performance, I think he's performed admirable every single time he's gone out there. That's keeping in mind his experience and the circumstances in which he was trotted out there.

He really is. And, if you ask me, he is the biggest testament to Mac's shortcomings as a coach.


ASFN Consultant and Senior Writer
Jan 7, 2003
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Orlando, FL
First, I have no idea if McCown can be an NFL QB. He has the arm, but he didn't show much ability to read defenses or check off receivers. It is certainly true he would be much further along if he had taken the number of snaps he should have at this point in his career.

As for running, it is always a useful talent. Still only time will tell if he has "happy feet" or if he will hang in the pocket and make the big play.

I can't agree the line and receivers let him down. I actually thought the line played one of its better games. As for the receivers, even Gilmore looked like he knew what he was doing. The funny part was that since McCown was more familiar with second team receivers, they actually let Poole into the game. Poole may well be the third best wide out on this team and he can't get on the field. Let's hope McCown's opportunity showcases what Poole can do give a chance. He will make the third down reception in traffic and he will be past the first down marker.

McCown has shown he is an athlete, now we need to see if he is an NFL QB.

I thought the defensive line played inconsistently. I do agree Wakefield has his old fire back, since his benching. I can't agree with several of the coaching observations. Lord knows there is no teaching happening on either line. However, moving Pace around is not the solution. That was done to beat double teams. Pace needs to develop the tools to beat the man in front of him first and that takes play after play. If Pace is the talent Graves believes him to be, trial and error should produce improvement.

As to Barrett, he is just the latest in a long line of big cushion corners. I doubt he has the agility to be a press corner and play on the line. He has zero catch up speed. That said he obviously needs to play tighter. The problem is that with zero pass rush, moderate speed corners are especially vulnerable.

The game was a decent, but not special effort. The team simply lacks the talent to be competitive against top teams.

Evil Ash

Henchman Supreme
Jun 26, 2003
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On a flying cocoon
Originally posted by Harry
First, I have no idea if McCown can be an NFL QB. He has the arm, but he didn't show much ability to read defenses or check off receivers.

Really?! From what I heard, he actually showed a pretty good ability to read defenses and that he was checking off receivers (from Dave Pasch during the game broadcast). Since unfortunately I wasn't able but to go, could those of you who either were at or watched the game tell me if this is true?

As for running, it is always a useful talent. Still only time will tell if he has "happy feet" or if he will hang in the pocket and make the big play.

I can't agree the line and receivers let him down. I actually thought the line played one of its better games. As for the receivers, even Gilmore looked like he knew what he was doing. The funny part was that since McCown was more familiar with second team receivers, they actually let Poole into the game. Poole may well be the third best wide out on this team and he can't get on the field. Let's hope McCown's opportunity showcases what Poole can do give a chance. He will make the third down reception in traffic and he will be past the first down marker.

McCown has shown he is an athlete, now we need to see if he is an NFL QB.

Harry, I was looking forward to your viewpoint of how McCown did in his first start. I think you pretty much come up along the same lines as the majority of us in saying that McCown has the physical attributes to be a Hall of Famer (great size, arm, speed) but we have to watch more of him play to see if he has the proper mentality. So I think we will get a better viewpoint of him over the next 2 games.

The game was a decent, but not special effort. The team simply lacks the talent to be competitive against top teams.

I don't think many people would disagree with that statement right now!
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ASFN Lifer
Jan 14, 2003
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Originally posted by Evil Ash
Really?! From what I heard, he actually showed a pretty good ability to read defenses and that he was checking off receivers (from Dave Pasch during the game broadcast). Since unfortunately I wasn't able but to go, could those of you who either were at or watched the game tell me if this is true?

I'm curious also, it sounded like he went through his progressions - maybe too quickly - and then acted. Hard to tell without seeing it, can anyone that watched the game give us more insight exactly?

Russ Smith

The Original Whizzinator
Supporting Member
May 14, 2002
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Originally posted by Evil Ash
Really?! From what I heard, he actually showed a pretty good ability to read defenses and that he was checking off receivers (from Dave Pasch during the game broadcast). Since unfortunately I wasn't able but to go, could those of you who either were at or watched the game tell me if this is true?

The comments from others about progressions confused me too. I didn't see the game but the comments before the game from Mac and Blake, and after the game too, were along the lines of they were putting Josh in a lot of situations where there was basically one read.

If the primary WR is open, throw the ball, if he's not, pull it down and either run, or throw it away. This is in essence what Denver does with Jake quite a bit, cut the field in half and take away the temptation of the QB locking on the primary WR and forcing a ball into coverage. If the first guy isn't open, run or throw it away.

Obviously you can't do that every down, but I was under the impression that's what Josh was doing quite a bit Sunday, several folks commented about him throwing balls away when the guy wasn't open, Blake even said he thought Josh did a real nice job of making his read, and then running or throwing it away if need be.

But that is ENTIRELY different than sitting back there and going through progressions with 3 WR's and a TE in the pattern for example.

maybe that's the discrepancy between what Harry says and what others have said, semantics on what progressions means?


Mar 4, 2003
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I was at the game. Josh did a decent job (I previously gave him a B- on another trend), but only time will really tell. The team, as a whole, put forth a lot of effort. That helped to make Josh look good. It was better than a rookie's first time out, i.e, after the initial part of the first quarter. He needs coaching re his throwing on the run. But, after that first interception, I was glad to see his avoiding throwing into coverage and, as a consequence, avoiding more interceptions. He ran well, but he needs to be carefull there and not think he can do it all and end up injured. He took some big hits - almost reminded me of when Chandler was here. Still had lot of grit after a big hit - like Chandler, who in my opinion was under apppreciated. Like I said, time will tell on Josh.
Walt - thanks for your thorough and well thought out accessment.


Supporting Member
Feb 2, 2003
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Phoenix, AZ.
Originally posted by Harry
The team simply lacks the talent to be competitive against top teams.

Harry, couldn't the same be said about Dallas and Cincy?


Apr 30, 2003
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i thought josh did a nice job for his first time out. hopefully, he will improve since his numbers were poor by nfl standards. he also needs to learn to slide if he is going to run a lot or he may not be in this league very long.


I want my 2$
Sep 1, 2002
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Originally posted by Russ Smith
The comments from others about progressions confused me too. I didn't see the game but the comments before the game from Mac and Blake, and after the game too, were along the lines of they were putting Josh in a lot of situations where there was basically one read.

If the primary WR is open, throw the ball, if he's not, pull it down and either run, or throw it away. This is in essence what Denver does with Jake quite a bit, cut the field in half and take away the temptation of the QB locking on the primary WR and forcing a ball into coverage. If the first guy isn't open, run or throw it away.

Obviously you can't do that every down, but I was under the impression that's what Josh was doing quite a bit Sunday, several folks commented about him throwing balls away when the guy wasn't open, Blake even said he thought Josh did a real nice job of making his read, and then running or throwing it away if need be.

But that is ENTIRELY different than sitting back there and going through progressions with 3 WR's and a TE in the pattern for example.

maybe that's the discrepancy between what Harry says and what others have said, semantics on what progressions means?

I heard he only had one read to make too but whatever the case at least faked going through reads if you watched anyway.

That shows me at least he isn't stupid and although he knew where he was going with the ball he did not stare the guy down which I think is a good sign.

That also would explain why it looked as if he was going through his progressions when he only had one read to make he was faking it.