I can't take this ****in' **** anymore!
There he is! It's the big guy! Get in here.
Wait till you see the spread. Anything you want.
Yeah, well, get what you want to go. The ferry leaves in 15 minutes. We gotta get outta here.
Whoa, what's your problem? Have some of this stuff.
I didn't get a lot of sleep last night, John. I'm fried.
- Soft mattress?
- Yeah, that could've been it. It could have been the soft mattress.
Or, it could've been the midnight rape... or the nude, gay art show that took place in my room...one of those probably added to the lack of sleep...
Try one of these scones, you're gonna love 'em.
I'm a little traumatized to have a scone. Let's move.
Will you slow down for a second? The whole eyedrop thing backfired. Okay? It didn't work. She had to leave me and go attend to him.
Why are you looking at me like that?
You're falling for this broad.
No! I just met her.
Exactly. I'm gonna go.
- You can't go.
- Watch me.
Watch me take this on down the road.
If you leave, Gloria is gonna freak out and throw a **** fit, and it's gonna go into crisis lockdown mode here at the house.
I don't give a baker's ****!
I just had my own sock duct-taped into my mouth last night!
- Whoa, what?
- Yeah, the sock that I wore around all day, playin' football in, pouring sweat in, was shoved into my mouth, and there was duct tape over it!
Well, let's talk about it. I'm a good listener.
I'm not in a place to discuss what happened. Okay?
I felt like Jodie Foster in "The Accused" last night.
I'm gonna go home, see Dr. Finkelstein and I'm gonna tell him...we got a whole new bag of issues, we can forget about Mom for a while. I'm gonna go.
Suit yourself.
Rule # .
Rule # : Never leave a fellow crasher behind.
- I can't believe how selfish you are.
- I need you.
A friend in need is a pest.
I'll stick it out with you because you're desperate.
- I need the big guy.
- I'm gonna try to give you a little bit more time, because somebody can't close.
- Fair enough.
- But if you want my help, you gotta listen. Number one:
Stop being a *****. Number two: Make a move. Number three...you know it.
Could you pop the syrup for me?
Just as a top off?
Here's what's gonna happen, Tonto.
Kimosabe's gonna have some flavor,
- I'm gonna choose not to eat with you.
- We're not gonna eat together?
No. I like to recharge my batteries, and shut down the engines, and get myself back to neutral. When the meal's over with,
I will talk to you. I don't want to get into what happened last night, 'cause it's only gonna make me mad. Let's get through today, let's keep our eye
on the prize, let's focus, and let's close some ass.
- Noted.
Can I tell you something without you getting angry? I love you. Yeah, you, big guy.
I love you too.