If I stand correct didnt bryan build this team this year boris,jones,bell,should I go on.Or bryan now in toronto doesn't know what he is doing..as we speak Bryan is bringing in Jay Williams.. TORONTO (AP) -- Jay Williams thinks he's ready to return to the NBA after sitting out three years while recovering from a motorcycle crash.
Williams, the former No. 2 NBA draft pick, is in Toronto working out for the Raptors, and likes what he sees in the young team and new general manager Bryan Colangelo.
"The thing I like about Toronto is the winning atmosphere," said Williams. "Guys want to win, guys want to be great players, and you can't say that about every franchise. They're definitely on the right path there to getting better.
"I love the style [Colangelo] brings to the team," he added. "We worked a lot pushing the ball, he wants to play that kind of fast tempo. And you've guys like Chris Bosh on your wing and Mo Pete can stretch out the defense, and [Charlie] Villanueva can shoot the ball, the possibilities are exciting."
In June 2003, Williams crashed his new motorcycle into a light pole, fracturing his pelvis, tearing knee ligaments and damaging nerves in his left leg. He hasn't played in the NBA since.
The Chicago Bulls, who drafted Williams, honored one year of his contract even though he violated a standard clause. They waived him in February of 2004 after reaching a settlement on the remaining two years. The buyout was reportedly worth about $3 million.
Jim Kelly, the Raptors' director of player personnel, said while Williams is "very fit," it remains to be seen whether he's ready to return to the NBA.
"He's pressing for that, but to be honest, we haven't seen him in a full-court game," said Kelly.
Williams insists he's good to go.
"I actually think I'm ready to play now."The article was in si.thank you..