Independence Day. Have to watch it when it is on and got it on Blu-Ray the day it came out.
That one doesn't count. I mean, who doesn't like ID?
but it has to be in the relm of possibility. I'm not talking about the aliens showing up, more so of how they were defeated.
so... exactly which realm of possibility are we talking about?
My guess is that the alien mothership just happens to respond to a Mac virus? A friend of mine had real issues with not so much. I love that movie.
Empire Records
The Big Lebowski
But I beg to differ on The Big Lebowski. There should be no guilt assigned. The Big Lebowski is the perfect movie and should be celebrated, not shamed.
wiki said:A guilty pleasure is known as a something one considers pleasurable despite it being mainly received negatively or looked down on by a majority of society. References to guilty pleasures are often used in terms of the arts and entertainment, such as music, film, and television and other aspects of popular culture.
An example of guilty pleasure would be a man who watches television shows marketed towards women, such as Sex and the City, soap operas, such as The Young and the Restless, "cheesy" series such as Saved By The Bell, and yellow-journalism shows such as Cops. This is considered a guilty pleasure, as it violates most western ideas what society views as masculine. For this reason the man in question may watch this show in secret because other members of the society may react negatively to a man watching a feminine television show
My guilty pleasure....
Star Wars 3: Revenge of the Sith
I know line for line my favorite scene on the landing pad right before the duel...from the moment Padme runs out of the ship to the moment Anakin tells Obi Wan, "You will try!". I thought that scene contained the best dialogue in all 3 prequels.
I don't
The movie has too many plot holes for my liking. I'm all for a good popcorn movie, but it has to be in the relm of possibility. I'm not talking about the aliens showing up, more so of how they were defeated.
Bring It On
13 Going On 30
Big Trouble in Little China
Love. Them.Holy crap.
That one doesn't count. I mean, who doesn't like ID?
That line annoyed me so much.Except for in that scene where Obi Wan tells Anakin "Only a Sith speaks in absolutes". I love that line, since it is, itself, an absolute. So that's the great Star Wars conspiracy, Obi Wan is a Sith. LOL.