Love Games!
Some of them are really smoking, while some are realistic.
This one cracked me up...
Some of them are really smoking, while some are realistic.
This one cracked me up...
37-10 CARDS!
and it wont look that close.
i wll be there to take the taunts and the
jeerz for all fin fans.
i REALLY wish i could say different. i really do.
but WISHING doesnt put points on the board,
fitzgerald and boldin DO!
and our wr's DONT!
this is a bad team, still. and with edge back to his old
self and warner looking like a ram and having 2 of
the top wr's in the game, well, i cant be the ONLY
fin fan who sees the writing on the wall.
this is going to be the finz yearly ALAMO. our
drubbing is near.