George O'Brien
Originally posted by JJ Slim
just came across as an idiot wannabee.
Now that is a concept worth pondering.
Originally posted by JJ Slim
just came across as an idiot wannabee.
Originally posted by SunCardfan
I think when it's obviously a joke you shouldn't get pissed off at him. I don't think he ever said you were stupid, and I don't think he actually thought you would think he was Jerry.
Originally posted by Chris_Sanders
Main Entry: cur·mud·geon
Pronunciation: (")k&r-'m&-j&n
Function: noun
Etymology: origin unknown
1 archaic : MISER
2 : a crusty, ill-tempered, and usually old man
Originally posted by SunCardfan
Hey now that's not nice either! I have been noticing that often times the older guys on this board takes things a little more seriously and seem to rip on people a little bit more. Have any of you run across a guy called Tango?
Originally posted by schutd
Well, we all obviously disagree.
I think he sounds like a complete idiot, and even though some of you think Im racist, or that I'm f**ked up, or I shouldnt hurt the poor boys feelings, whatever.
He sounds like a tool, and I will continue to tell him as such.